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JSDT/Confcalls/Minutes 20151110


See JSDT/Confcalls

Meeting Agenda

  1. Updates on current work
    1. JSON Editor
    2. npm and bower contribution
    3. JavaScript Debugger
      1. See the demos for node.js and webkit
      2. Can we start moving the code to eclipse foundation?
    4. Review and discuss conclude proposals for changes on JSDT/JSDTRenewalArchitecture


Gorkem Ercan
Alexey Kazakov
Chuck Bridgham
Denis Golovin
Ilya Buziuk
Orlando Rincon
Doug Schaffer

Meeting Minutes

  1. npm and bower contribution process started
    1. CQ:
  2. JSON Editor
    1. CQ changed to under review
    2. targeting M2 with this contribution
  3. Debugger
    1. Repo with changes
    2. Still needs to be updated to work with JDST breakpoints
    3. More work ongoing to avoid virtual projects
    4. CQ process to be started to include in JSDT
  4. We will consider deprecation and removal per API but as a general rule deprecation on Neon release with an option to remove on Neon+1 is acceptable
  5. Agreed to have to workspace compatability
  6. Agreed that it will be possible to drop features on Neon release
  7. No final decision on parser strategy. The two favored choices are acorn or shift-java. We will learn more about Shift before reaching a decision
  8. Agreed to move validation to extension points

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