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JGit/New and Noteworthy/5.13
The GPG support in bundle org.eclipse.jgit.gpg.bc
now also honors the GNUPGHOME environment variable. If set and containing a valid path of a directory, that directory is used as the GPG home directory -- the one that contains the GPG keys. If this environment variable is not set, JGit by default uses %APPDATA%\gnupg on Windows and ~/.gnupg on other operating systems.
If neither is appropriate, users can set the Java system property jgit.gpg.home to define the path. If set and containing a valid directory path, that directory is used (even if GNUPGHOME is also set).
- Bundle
newly requires Bouncy Castle 1.69 (previously 1.65). - Bundle
newly requires Apache MINA sshd 2.7.0 (previously 2.6.0). As always, this bundle may not work with newer versions of Apache MINA sshd because of incompatible upstream API changes.
Other Changes
The complete list of new features and bug fixes is available in the release notes.
The following 16 developers worked on this release:
Alina Djamankulova, Andrew Xian, Antonio Barone, Bruno Albuquerque, Demetr Starshov, Fabio Ponciroli, Han-Wen Nienhuys, Julian Ruppel, Kaushik Lingarkar, Kyle Zhao, Luca Milanesio, Marco Miller, Matthias Sohn, Minh Thai, Ronald Bhuleskar, Thomas Wolf