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JEE Status Meetings/2010-04-29
Java EE 6
- What is left to do in RC1?
- Bug 309206
- List of Java EE 6 bugs that need to be rolled into the WTP 3.2 plan
- Glassfish Java EE 6 wizards
- Java EE Tools plan
- EJB Tools plan
Flexible Modules
- What is left to do in RC1?
- Bug 309224
- Circular dependencies of modules
- Out of spec module dependencies
- Bugs marked with the Flexible Modules whiteboard entry
Other topics
Modules always synchronized 304673 - any update?
Server Tools Enhancements:
293742 | APIs completed in 3.2. UI part has to wait for next release. |
286699 | This is a bug. We plan to fix this in 3.2 |