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JEE Status Meetings/2009-12-10
- Carl Anderson
- Chuck Bridgham
- Jason Peterson
- Jason Sholl
- Kaloyan Raev
- Angel Rivera
Java EE 6
- The Java EE 6 xsds are now publicly available
- Java EE Tools plan
- EJB Tools plan
- List of Java EE 6 bugs that need to be rolled into the WTP 3.2 plan
Virtual Component
- Make export operation pull from wst.server APIs to reduce redundancy and inconsistancy 265798
- Allow simple but extensible Virtual Component Framework traversal 296764
Flexible Modules
- Replace Existing JavaEE Dependencies page
- Bugs marked with the Flexible Modules whiteboard entry
Other topics
Server Tools Enhancements: 293742 292194 291833 286699 282483
Carl: The Java EE 6 xsds are now on the public Sun web site. We will update the CQ and bugzillas to get the XSDs into org.eclipse.jst.standard.schemas
Kaloyan: The current smoke test - can we do any Java EE 6 testing?
Carl: I will take that as a to do - to update the smoke test. There isn't a server yet, creation should work, and I think that export should work.
Jason: Everything besides web fragments should be exportable
Kaloyan: How do I create a web fragment?
Jason: You can't yet. We are still working on support for web fragments.
Carl: Another question - a lot of people are starting to take vacation through the rest of the year. Is it worthwhile to keep having these meetings?
Jason: Perhaps we could have another meeting or two to continue discussion of the Virtual Component Framework.
Chuck: We can probably just have ad hoc meetings to discuss this.
Carl: Kaloyan - do you have a preference?
Kaloyan: Our team is not that involved with WTP this year - we do not have a preference.
Carl: We'll forgo the discussion of the Virtual Component Framework and the Flexible Modules, since Rob is not in attendance. We'll meet again next year.