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JEE Status Meetings/2009-06-25
- Carl Anderson
- Chuck Bridgham
Proposed Scenarios
- Select projects (add/remove)
- Select jars (or other resources) inside the workspace (add/remove)
- Select jars (or other resources) outside the workspace (add/remove)
- Editing the deployment path/archive name
Content of the Module Dependency Page (Note that this is focused at EAR module assembly)
- Update on Rob's latest work
- Rob reduced the number of columns to 2
- The UI can now change deploy path *and* archiveName in the descriptor component.xml file
- Both deploy path and archive name are editable in column 0 in the editor as one path, which is then separated during the operations
- Rob has not added UI for adding wb-resource elements as there was no general consensus on whether this is a desired feature
- Rob has not migrated the buttons into a multi-page wizard yet as there was no clear agreement on what should go into it
- Classpath entries
- Leveraging the JDT UI (is it possible yet?)
- Tangential Topics
- What is single root structure? 279360
- possible selection of basic vs. flexible
Due to miscommunication/lack of attendance, all that was discussed was the need to have a meeting on 2009-07-02.