254638 module library is deleted after drag and drop - pending review by Jason
Discuss issues with the discrepancy between the export and publish mechanisms
241466 EarArtifactEdit.getModuleURI not returning accurate value
241332 wtp3.0 release Ear project now publishes an ejb3 jar either as BOTH a child module and via members()
254992 EARVirtualComponent is storing for archive root always "/"
bug 254638
Jason reviewed it.
Discuss issues with the discrepancy between the export and publish mechanisms
It's better to address the needed changes for 3.1 - there are lot's of changes expected to align the publish mechanism in Server Tools with the export mechanism in Java EE Tools.
No major changes for 3.0.4
In 3.1 Server Tools may reuse export functionality
This issue does not affect server adapters who has implemented their own publish mechanism
Advice for the adopters with their own application servers - implement your own publish mechanism instead using the generic one provided by WTP.