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JEE Status Meetings/2008-07-31


  • Kaloyan Raev
  • Chuck Bridgham
  • Carl Anderson
  • Konstantin Komissarchik


  1. Releasing changes in HEAD to 3.1 build
  2. 3.1 plan


release to HEAD
Carl will release all committed changes in HEAD to the 3.1 build.
It is generally a good practice to keep all committed changes released.
3.1 plan
We have started marking enhancements for the 3.1 plan.
Enhancements bugs that are targeted to 3.1 and marked with 'plan' keyword should be considered as proposed items. When an enhancement bug is targeted to a 3.1 milestone, it becomes a committed item.
We want to mark for the 3.1 plan all potential enhancements that a feasible for the 3.1 release. Having this list it will be easier for us to separate the items into cluster that would become our plan themes. It would be also convenient to decide what to commit at the beginning of each milestone.
We will spend some time to look to all Future and untargeted enhancements and triage them to the 3.1 plan.
We will review the 3.1 plan list next week.

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