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JEE Status Meetings/2008-07-16
- Kaloyan Raev
- Chuck Bridgham
- Carl Anderson
- Konstantin Komissarchik
- Mixing spec level versions in EAR
The discussion was triggered in the wtp-dev mailing list:
WTP support for Java EE 5 modules in a 1.4 level EAR is too big to contain in a maintenance release- will be a line item for WTP 3.1.
It was agreed that we should allow this scenario however... (Java EE Modules contained in J2EE 1.4 applications) Chuck mentioned possibly using the facet identifier to allow this scenario (leaving the xml namespace version alone), but the consensus on the call was to allow this without changing the facet version, which spawned a separate topic - should be considering spec migration in future release.
We also need to consider how we present the capabilities of the targeted runtime - via deployment validation - possibly another line item. Not all runtimes may be able to handle this scenario, and existing facet/runtime enablement doesn't cover this amount of detail.
Many areas need to be tested for this change, such as validation, deployment, Ear assembly editing in project property sheet etc....