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IdAS Update Proposals
The current way Digital Subjects are updated in IdAS is seen as cumbersome. Here we explore other options. First we list the options, then use cases, then apply the use cases to the different options.
note: "IdAS element" means the things that make up a context (digital subject, attributes, metadata, and their values).
- 1 Proposals
- 2 Use Cases
- 2.1 Add a new subject with some attributes (simple and complex) from scratch
- 2.2 Delete a subject
- 2.3 Add a value to a simple attribute on an existing subject
- 2.4 Delete a value from a simple attribute on an existing subject
- 2.5 Add a value to a complex attribute on an existing subject
- 2.6 Delete a value from a complex attribute on an existing subject
- 2.7 Delete and add an element to an existing value of a complex attribute on an existing subject
- 2.8 Replace all values of an existing attribute with some new values
- 2.9 Copy some attributes from one subject to another
- 2.10 Add some metadata to an existing attribute
- 2.11 Update attributes on two subjects in one atomic transaction
- 3 Links
- Current methodology
- Live updates to IdAS elements
- Committed updates to IdAS elements
- Distillation of other proposals
Use Cases
Following is a list of use cases along with some pseudo-code for different proposals. These all assume one already has an IContext instance called myContext. They also ignore exceptions and probably some other things.
Add a new subject with some attributes (simple and complex) from scratch
When the user knows enough about the model to know what attribute types are allowed
Proposal 4
// Create a subject named John Doe IDigitalSubject mySubject = myContext.addSubject(PERSON_TYPE_URI, "John Doe"); // Add a phone number attribute with two values IAttribute myPhoneAttr = mySubject.addAttribute(PHONE_ATTR_TYPE_URI); myPhoneAttr.addSimpleValue(STRING_TYPE_URI, "+1 801 861 8000"); myPhoneAttr.addSimpleValue(STRING_TYPE_URI, "+1 801 555 1212"); // Add a complex attribute (address which is {street, city, state, zip}) IAttribute myAddress = mySubject.addAttribute(ADDR_ATTR_TYPE_URI); IComplexValue myAddressVal = myAddress.addComplexValue(ADDR_TYPE_URI); IProperty myStreet myAddressVal.addProperty(STREET_PROP_TYPE); myStreet.addSimpleValue(STRING_TYPE_URI, "123 Elm Street"); IProperty myCity myAddressVal.addProperty(CITY_PROP_TYPE); myCity.addSimpleValue(STRING_TYPE_URI, "Springfield"); IProperty myState myAddressVal.addProperty(STATE_PROP_TYPE); myState.addSimpleValue(STRING_TYPE_URI, "IL"); IProperty myZip myAddressVal.addProperty(ZIP_PROP_TYPE); myZip.addSimpleValue(INT_TYPE_URI, "55123"); // Signal the CP that we're done mySubject.applyUpdates();
When the user needs to discover the attribute types allowed
Delete a subject
Proposal 4
// Delete the "John Doe" subject IDigitalSubject mySubject = myContext.getSubject("John Doe"); mySubject.remove(); mySubject.applyUpdates();
Add a value to a simple attribute on an existing subject
Proposal 4
IDigitalSubject mySubject = myContext.getSubject("John Doe"); IAttribute myPhoneAttr = mySubject.getAttribute(PHONE_ATTR_TYPE_URI); myPhoneAttr.addSimpleValue(STRING_TYPE_URI, "+1 801 555 1212"); mySubject.applyUpdates();
Delete a value from a simple attribute on an existing subject
Proposal 4
// Get the phone number attr for the "John Doe" subject IDigitalSubject mySubject = myContext.getSubject("John Doe"); IAttribute myPhoneAttr = mySubject.getAttribute(PHONE_ATTR_TYPE_URI); // Delete just the "+1 801 555 1212" value Iterator myPhoneVals = myPhoneAttr.getValues(); while (myPhoneVals.hasNext()) { IPropertyValue curVal = (IPropertyValue); if (curVal.getData().equals("+1 801 555 1212") { curVal.remove(); break; } } mySubject.applyUpdates();
Add a value to a complex attribute on an existing subject
Proposal 4
IDigitalSubject mySubject = myContext.getSubject("John Doe"); IAttribute myPhoneAttr = mySubject.getAttribute(PHONE_ATTR_TYPE_URI); // Add a complex attribute (address which is {street, city, state, zip}) IAttribute myAddress = mySubject.addAttribute(ADDR_ATTR_TYPE_URI); IComplexValue myAddressVal = myAddress.addComplexValue(ADDR_TYPE_URI); IProperty myStreet myAddressVal.addProperty(STREET_PROP_TYPE); myStreet.addSimpleValue(STRING_TYPE_URI, "123 Elm Street"); IProperty myCity myAddressVal.addProperty(CITY_PROP_TYPE); myCity.addSimpleValue(STRING_TYPE_URI, "Springfield"); IProperty myState myAddressVal.addProperty(STATE_PROP_TYPE); myState.addSimpleValue(STRING_TYPE_URI, "IL"); IProperty myZip myAddressVal.addProperty(ZIP_PROP_TYPE); myZip.addSimpleValue(INT_TYPE_URI, "55123"); mySubject.applyUpdates();
Delete a value from a complex attribute on an existing subject
Proposal 4
// Get the address attr for the "John Doe" subject IDigitalSubject mySubject = myContext.getSubject("John Doe"); IAttribute myAddrAttr = mySubject.getAttribute(ADDR_ATTR_TYPE_URI); // Delete the value where state is "IL" Iterator myAddrVals = myAddrAttr.getValues(); while (myAddrVals.hasNext()) { IComplexValue curVal = (IComplexValue); IPropertyValue stateVal = curVal.getProperty("STATE_PROP_TYPE"); if (stateVal.getData().equals("IL") { curVal.remove(); break; } } mySubject.applyUpdates();
Delete and add an element to an existing value of a complex attribute on an existing subject
Proposal 4
// Get the address attr for the "John Doe" subject IDigitalSubject mySubject = myContext.getSubject("John Doe"); IAttribute myAddrAttr = mySubject.getAttribute(ADDR_ATTR_TYPE_URI); // Find the value where state is "IL", change it to "MN" Iterator myAddrVals = myAddrAttr.getValues(); while (myAddrVals.hasNext()) { IComplexValue curVal = (IComplexValue); IProperty state = curVal.getProperty("STATE_PROP_TYPE"); ISimpleValue stateVal = ((ISimpleValue)state).getValue(); if (stateVal.getData().equals("IL") { state.remove(); IProperty newState = curVal.addProperty("STATE_PROP_TYPE"); newState.addSimpleValue(STRING_TYPE_URI, "MN"); break; } } mySubject.applyUpdates();
Alternate (if we allow ISimpleValue.setData to be called after data has been already set)
// Get the address attr for the "John Doe" subject IDigitalSubject mySubject = myContext.getSubject("John Doe"); IAttribute myAddrAttr = mySubject.getAttribute(ADDR_ATTR_TYPE_URI); // Find the value where state is "IL", change it to "MN" Iterator myAddrVals = myAddrAttr.getValues(); while (myAddrVals.hasNext()) { IComplexValue curVal = (IComplexValue); IProperty state = curVal.getProperty("STATE_PROP_TYPE"); ISimpleValue stateVal = ((ISimpleValue)state).getValue(); if (stateVal.getData().equals("IL") { stateVal.setData("MN"); break; } } mySubject.applyUpdates();