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ICE and OSGi

ICE OSGi Configuration

ICE is built using Equinox, the reference implementation of the OSGi. ICE has four OSGi bundles:


The bundle is also an Eclipse RCP application.

ICE also has several separate bundles and fragment bundles that are used for testing.

These components were created using the Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment in IBM Rational Software Architect v. 8.0 following the procedures outlined in "OSGi and Equinox" by Jeff McAffer et. al.

Using OSGi bundles in Eclipse RCP applications

Getting the OSGi bundles from the repository

The OSGi bundles are available in the ICE Repository in the trunk/src/ and trunk/tests directories. The bundles are configured as Eclipse projects and may be checked out as an Eclipse PDT project using the Subversive plugin.

The bundles may also be checked out using a standard SVN client.

Exporting the OSGi bundles from Eclipse

Support for Apache Felix

The gov.ornl.nice.nicecore and gov.ornl.nice.nicedatastructures bundles are supported on Apache Felix. To date (9-7-2011), gov.nice.niceclient is not compatible with Apache Felix because it is an Eclipse RCP application.

NiCE OSGi Bundles on Android

The ICE OSGi bundles work on Google Android using Apache Felix. Perform the following steps to get the ICE OSGi bundles to run on the Android OS:

1. Download the Android SDK and make sure $ANDROID_PATH/tools and $ANDROID_PATH/platform-tools are in your $PATH

2. Download from Apache:,

3. Create .dex archives for all the .jar bundles in the project and add them to that corresponding jar file:

dx --dex --output=classes.dex JAR_File.jar

aapt add JAR_File.jar classes.dex

4. Make sure you have an Android emulator created:

a.) check for target IDS:

android list targets

b.) create a new one with the corresponding target and an avd name

android create avd -n myAVD2.2 -t 2

5. start the emulator:

emulator -avd myAVD2.2 &

6. Push the project bundles and the file to the emulator

find * -type f -exec adb push {} /data/felix/{} \;

7. Launch Felix

adb shell

cd /data/felix


8. Install and start desired bundles in the Felix console

start file:bundle/JAR_File.jar

ICE assumes the following directory structure on Android:




cd bundle

dx --dex --output=classes.dex gov.ornl.nice.nicecore.jar

aapt add gov.ornl.nice.nicecore.jar classes.dex

dx --dex --output=classes.dex gov.ornl.nice.nicedatastructures.jar

aapt add gov.ornl.nice.nicedatastructures.jar classes.dex

cd ..

emulator -avd myAVD2.2 &

find * -type f -exec adb push {} /data/felix/{} \;

adb shell

cd /data/felix


In felix framework:

<code>start file:bundle/gov.ornl.nice.nicecore.jar

start file:bundle/gov.ornl.nice.nicedatastructures.jar


NiCE OSGi Bundles Embedded in an Android Application

The following outlines the steps needed to get Felix and the ICE OSGi bundles running in an Android application.

Bundles needed

  • org.apache.felix.log-1.0.1.jar
  • org.apache.felix.configadmin-1.2.8.jar
  • org.apache.felix.bundlerepository-1.6.6.jar
  • org.apache.felix.scr-1.6.1.jar (must compile from source, detailed next)
  • gov.ornl.nice.nicedatastructures.jar
  • gov.ornl.nice.nicecore.jar
  • gov.ornl.nice.servicetester.jar

All of these bundles must be dex'ed according the procedure outlined above in NiCE OSGi Bundles on Android. All Felix bundles except the SCR can be downloaded from . You will also need the Felix 3.3.2 jar (not dex'ed) from that site as well.

SCR Declarative Services

There is a bug in the currently available version of Apache Felix SCR (1.6.0) that causes the android application to crash because of an incorrect text format. To fix this bug, we must checkout the Felix SVN repository and build the bundle from scratch using Maven 2 (yum install maven2). Here are the steps:

svn co -r 1097847 Felix

cd Felix/

mvn -Dpackaging=plugins install cd scr/

mvn -Dpackaging=bundle install

cd target/

The resultant org.apache.felix.scr-1.6.1-SNAPSHOT.jar in the target/ directory is the correct bundle to use.

Embedding in Android

Create a new Android project and add the downloaded Felix 3.3.2 jar to the build path of the project. This should give you an android Activity class and the required resources from the res/ directory. Add a new class to the project that implements the OSGi BundleActivator interface. In this class we will need to populate the start() method to create the downloaded bundles and start them in the Felix framework. Create the needed private attributes on the Activity class:

private StringMap configMap; 
private Felix felix; 
//configMap holds all the required Felix configurations. Here's the pertinent configuration options needed to get Felix up and running on and Android phone:
configMap.put(FelixConstants.FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES, SystemPackages); 
configMap.put(FelixConstants.FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES_EXTRA, "org.xml.sax,org.xml.sax.helpers,javax.xml.parsers");
configMap.put(FelixConstants.LOG_LEVEL_PROP, "4");
configMap.put(FelixConstants.FRAMEWORK_DEFAULT_STARTLEVEL, "1");
configMap.put("felix.startlevel.bundle", "1");
configMap.put("felix.service.urlhandlers", "false");
configMap.put("org.osgi.service.http.port", "8080");
configMap.put("", "on");
configMap.put(FelixConstants.FRAMEWORK_STORAGE, cacheDir.getAbsolutePath());
// Set the BundleActivator List
NiCEBundleActivator activator = new NiCEBundleActivator(this.getResources(), rootPath + File.separator+ "felix");
List<BundleActivator> activatorList = new ArrayList<BundleActivator>();
configMap.put(FelixConstants.SYSTEMBUNDLE_ACTIVATORS_PROP, activatorList);
//The ICEBundleActivator is used to start up the required Felix and ICE bundles. Its start() method uses Android's built in Resources mechanism to read in the bundles using This InputStream is then used, along with the BundleActivator's BundleContext to install the bundles to the running Felix framework. Once installed, ICEBundleActivator calls start() on all the installed bundles.
InputStream is = res.getAssets().open("shell_1.4.2.jar");
shell = context.installBundle(file+"/bundle/shell.jar", is);
InputStream logstream = res.getAssets().open("log_1.0.1.jar");
log = context.installBundle(file+"/bundle/log.jar", logstream);
InputStream configStream = res.getAssets().open("configadmin_1.2.8.jar");
configadmin = context.installBundle(file+"/bundle/configadmin.jar", configStream);
InputStream repoStream = res.getAssets().open("bundlerepository_1.6.6.jar");
bundlerepo = context.installBundle(file+"/bundle/bundlerepository.jar", repoStream);
InputStream scrStream = res.getAssets().open("scr_1.6.1.jar");
scr = context.installBundle(file+"/bundle/scr.jar", scrStream);
InputStream dataStream = res.getAssets().open("nicedatastructures.jar");
data = context.installBundle(file+"/bundle/data.jar", dataStream);
InputStream coreStream = res.getAssets().open("nicecore.jar");
core = context.installBundle(file+"/bundle/core.jar", coreStream);
InputStream serviceStream = res.getAssets().open("servicetester.jar");
servicetester = context.installBundle(file+"/bundle/servicetester.jar", serviceStream);
felix = new Felix(configMap); 

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