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ICE January 2017 Status Meetings
Robert -Cleaning up and updating the geometry and form packages in January. Migrating EAVP and ICE to use the January update site instead of their local copies of the data structures.
Hilda - Getting familiar with Leaflet-draw library and working on getting to file to save.
Robert - Updating EAVP and ICE to work with January update site.
Greg - Working on Neon .2 release.
Hilda - Learning how to do plugin and packaging with Electron.
Robert - Getting unit tests for tasqc client running.
Hilda - Geoscience mapper application prototype with four formats built and distributed.
Robert - Working on various issues for TASQC.
Hilda - Continued reading the ICE documentation.
Robert - Handling various bugs for ICE and EAVP.
Hilda - Committed the prototype code to the repo. Continued reading about ICE.
Robert - Putting unique IDs on keys in TASQC server. Working on properties menu for Geometry Editor.
Hilda - Making URLs consistant between documents (issue 307). Continuing with other documentation fixes.
Greg - Had science PMC meeting last week.
Robert - Fixing EAVP issues. Making Geometry Editor provide properties when selected.
Hilda - Continued reading the documentation. Adding bugs for corrections (#316).
Greg -
Robert - Working on January geometry cleanup branch. Getting blocks for TASQC gnuradio compiling.
Anara - Setting up computers. Reading training materials.
Robert - Working on January vtk package cleanup. Getting mesh properties view to populate when mesh editor has focus.
Anara - Orientation and training.
Jay - Looking into January code cleanup and preparing for Eclipse conference travel.
Robert - Working on SWTChart viz service.
Anara - Employment paperwork, ORAU training, and starting Vaadin research.
Jay - At appointment for baby at doctor.
Hilda - Continuing with geoscience project.
Anara -Going through tutorial manual for ICA.
Anara - Finding bugs with tutorial.
Greg - Attended EPL 2.0 meeting.
Hilda - Working on Eclipse Converge talk.
Robert - Working on January branch. Changing visualization preferences to use unified Master Details block for all services.
Anara - Going through tutorial and finding more bugs.
Greg - Responding to ICE issues.
Robert - Working on visualization services preferences page.
Anara - Working on tutorial and finding bugs.