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IAM WTP support

< To: IAM

WAR support

WAR projects are supported as WTP dynamic web modules. Allows IAM users to run Maven WAR projects from Eclipse using WTP support, such as running in a web container using Run As -> Server

WAR overlay

From version 0.11.0 IAM has support for WAR overlays.

  • A) war dependency in the repository
    • IAM will run war:exploded and add the target dir to the war source components, after the current project web source folders
    • if the war in the repository gets modified changes will not affect the project
    • if there are pom changes in the current project or dependent projects the exploded war folder will be deleted and war:exploded will be run again
      • this could be optimized to check if the changes really affect the WAR in the WarBuilderDelegate
  • B) war dependency in the workspace
    • IAM will link the other project webapp source folder from target/iam and add it to the current project web source folders
    • if there are pom changes in the current project or dependent projects the links will be recalculated
    • if the dependency also have war dependencies then war:exploded is run for it and the link target is the exploded war folder instead of the source war folder

If there's a mix of A and B the order is

  • Workspace dependencies
  • Repository dependencies

This would have an impact only if there's the same file in both the current project and the dependencies.

The cases where folders are linked from one project to another have no performance penalty. When war:exploded is needed there's a penalty as Maven needs to be executed.

EAR support

EAR projects are supported from version 0.12.0 enabling deployment from Eclipse using WTP tooling (Run in Server)


  • EAR dependencies must be opened in the workspace in order for the EAR to be started in the server with WTP
  • WAR names need to match PROJECT_NAME.war in WTP versions prior to 3.2.1 (org.eclipse.jst.j2ee 1.1.301.v201001272230 works properly)

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