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Hudson-ci/community meetings/Jul092012

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Hudson-bust.png Community Meeting 09-July-2012

Feel free to add you own points to discuss / questions to the following list. 


  • M4 release
    • Plugin Central is main theme

need to update the update center JSON manually finished - to be deployed today Bob and Steve working on plugin categorization and testing - still in progress

    • Expected date was July 13th

will be delayed until July 30th to Oracle QA 15th July

  • M3 Release

a few bugs have been logged in Eclipse some feedback via the blog Henrik has been running it for a number of weeks - initial results good - has one bug to file re symlinks

  • Revised provisional dates
    • RC August 13th
    • Eclipse august 31st
  • Packaging

decided to host a bundled version on hudson-ci that does not need to use the initial setup center, for those who cannot access and run init setup from behind their firewall

  • CQs
    • Bob has worked to remove JAXEN
    • CLI - need to replace JLine - winston to see where this is used
  • Plugin updates
    • Steve is updating the plugin wiki with details as testing is completed
    • SVN plugin - problems in forum - not updating to latest version(Winston running update center today, will solve problem)
    • Steve to update tier1/tier2/tier3 plugin pages with his results
    • Henrik to send his plugin list to Steve for analysis (Henrik is running 2.1.2 currently)
  • Post 3.0 Library upgrade planning
    • Spring - all CQs for 3.0 are in and mostly approved already - awaiting approval
    • JQuery - latest version is in - awaiting approval
    • JQueryUI - few diffs on existing approved version -awaiting approval

none of these seem to be problematic

  • Geoff: Graphing for Eclipse release
    • Improving core graphing (TaskTop comments)

Winston looking into barchart

    • Graphing with popular plugins such as Emma etc...

Duncan suggested this could wait until after 3.0 (should not delay release)

  • Thanks to Henrik

for running Sonar and going through the results Duncan to look at licensing for hudson-ci

  • Agilex

Asking about setting up with OAM Duncan will find someone internal to help with this

Present: Bob Foster Steve Christou Duncan Mills Henrik Lynggaard Hansen Winston Prakash Susan Duncan

Apologies for absence: Geoff Waymark

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