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Hudson-ci/community meetings/Apr302012
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Community Meeting 30-April-2012 |
Latest Eclipse CQ information
Duncan We've just been through a final check on the M3 libraries which has thrown up some issues which have been passed onto Winston;
- Antlr 3 conversion.. Winston has encountered some problems converting to Antlr 3 from 2 as is required by Eclipse. We use antlr in two places in core - parsing the cron like scheduling strings and job label parsing. Antlr 3 still has a compile time dependency on antr 2. but it is unclear if this means that this needs to be added to the runtime distro. So this work is ongoing.
- JLine removal. We need to replace jline command line parser. The replacement here is with the Eclipse Equinox console. This is not a must do for M3 and RC1 we can simply remove this library for now as core does not use it directly
- Xstream. dependencies XOM and JAXEN. Although Xtream is approved these downstream dependencies are not. Winston to do more work on understanding what the dependencies are and if we can ignore or replace xom and jaxen.
- CQs as a whole for M3, ignoring the issues discussed above, we are still awaiting approval for 15 more libraries and 2 further CQs need to be filed. 52 libraries are approved or are in parallel approval.
Full information on the libaries can be found in the wiki on the M3 Library page.
Duncan Scheduled release for M3 was May 21. This may push out a week based on the antrl work above and the additional work that is needed to bootstrap the instance to pull in inital plugins etc. The key point is to keep the target of June in mind so that we can co-release Hudson 3.0 with Eclipse Juno.
Henrick More plugin testing is needed for 3.0 generally - can we pull some of the othet committers in to help with this?
Duncan Do we need a 2.2.1 release? The conclusion was yes. Although the key issues that have been raised are in plugins (SVN & Maven) there is one security fix that Stuart put into core that warrants a release. Proposal is that a test release should be staged by May-14 and release scheduled for May 21.
Winston Release 3.0 priorities? After some discussion it was agreed that apart from the basics discussed above, the key factor now was time and every effort should be made to sync with Juno. If we have time before then, then performance / scalability work would be important, however that can be pushed to post 3.0 release.
Update from Duncan
- Website(s) all updated for M2
- Email Server is now set up and working for the Jobs to use
- Sonar not yet installed
Henrick There are problems running Firefox for Selenium unit test use. Seems that we need an X-Server set up on the box. Duncan to investigate and fix on the master server and slaves.
Duncan Mills
Henrik Lynggaard Hansen
Winston Prakash
Geoff Waymark
+ 2 un announced
Apologies: Susan Duncan