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Hudson-ci/community meetings/Apr162012
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Community Meeting 16-April-2012 |
- Eclipse Progress
- latest CQ information
- 2 outstanding issues
- need to go to antler3 as this is approved by Eclipse
- embedded zip file in hudson core - tasks.hpi - need to remove
- 2 outstanding issues
- Duncan will update stats page on Eclipse wiki
- latest CQ information
- Milestone 2 release
- Main change is removing Groovy
- impacts on security
- tests fixed, just 2 tests in test harness still broken - Matrix (will be fixed after core release)
- Geoff has issues
- SVN plugin testing - cannot set usrname/pwd (linux and windows)
- Groovy plugins (one appears to be cascade problem - needs to be forked)
- all logged
- need candidate release by Wednesday
- Duncan will update website for M2
- Main change is removing Groovy
- M3 release themes
- plugin review
- update centers
- Full Eclipse Release
- still looking to a June release
- dependent on getting through the Eclipse IP process by then, but running into resourcing issues at Eclipse as the Juno release (June) gears up
- release
- 2 bugs in SVN plugin in Bugzilla - for hudson on eclipse
- review core bugs and release 2.2.1
- redirecting to
- there is a workaround to build plugins
- Winston, Geoff and Henrik to work offline
- Maven3 bug376785
- using Eclipse marketplace for plugins
- Duncan not convinced, mostly for Eclipse IDE plugins
- are we fitting into it artificially, not benefits of particular plugins, voting most popular etc
- Susan to discuss further with Eclipse
- Eclipse committer
- Henrik - Eclipse protocol - needs to be signed by his employer (not consultants). susan to check
- Gerrit means he can contribute
- Bundled Plugin circular dependency problems
- Building without using snapshots has a circular dependency:Hudson war (in core) depends on the plugins, but hudson plugins cannot be built because hudson-plugin-parent isn't built (because core fails too soon)
- because changes related to groovy and stapler in this release and no interim releases have been done
- after m2-1 staged today it will be stable and no circular deps
- resolving the issues of bundled plugins will resolve for the long term. Winston is working on this for M3
- Status of hudson on hudson
- URL is
- Duncan to create Henrik a user, he has job scripts for uploading jobs
- Duncan to get Sonar latest version setup now disk issues addressed
- Status of gerrit usage? (it is available we just need to sign up:
- Github replica is over 4 months old - needs Winston to do.
- Github replica is over 4 months old - needs Winston to do.
- Plugin testing framework ready.
- makes matrix jobs for core versions and test cases specify required plugins
- make instance with plugins, runs, shuts down
- can run on Hudson on Hudson if it can support firefox. - henrik can setup
- need to work on how do we get people to use it ie. who will start adding testcases for install tested plugins? - part of M3 review
- Attendees:
Susan Duncan
Duncan Mills
Henrik Lynggaard Hansen
Gary Struthers
Winston Prakash
Stuart McCulloch