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Howto: Register Annotation Constraints
< To: Tigerstripe_APIs
Annotation Framework support annotation creation constraints. To define custom constraint you need to create constraint class:
public class AnnotationConstraintExample implements IAnnotationConstraint { public IStatus validate(IAnnotationValidationContext context) { Annotation annotation = context.getAnnotation(); URI uri = annotation.getUri(); if (...) return context.createFailureStatus(...); return context.createSuccessStatus(); } }
This constraint should implements IAnnotationConstraint interface. You can use IAnnotationValidationContext to get annotation context and to create result status. The last step is register constraint using org.eclipse.tigerstripe.annotation.core.constraints extension point:
<extension point="org.eclipse.tigerstripe.annotation.core.constraints"> <constraint class="org.eclipse.tigerstripe.annotation.example.AnnotationConstraintExample"/> </extension>