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Higgins 1.1M4
1.1M4 (Stable) COMPLETED 25-Nov-08
Featured Changes/Fixes:
- FilterEntityIDAssertion not handled correctly in JNDI Context Provider: Bug 237135 - Jim S.
- Filters with substring comparator in assertion not supported in JNDI CP: Bug 237137 - Tom D
- Remember which optional claims are selected when choosing "always use this card at this site" : Bug 233576 - Alexander Y.
- Context needs a way for one to set/remove specific settings: Bug 238348 - Jim S.
- org.eclipse.higgins.idas.spi.BasicContext inefficiency: Bug - 239031 - Jim S.
- Need to set property to true- 246552 - Greg B/ Rajalakshmi Iyer
- JNDI context close does not close LDAP connection- 244947 - Tom D.
- JDBC Jena-based context provider does not close database session 200538 - Sergey L
- org.eclipse.higgins.idas.spi.BasicContext inefficiency - bug 239031 - Jim S
- 1.0 vs. 1.1 Solution doc- FF embedded selector - bug 239525 - Valery
List of ALL M4 issues fixed here