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HOWL Update 1.21
This page describes changes from version 1.20 of HOWL.
Note: to better align with Higgins 1.1, this version of HOWL has recently been renamed 1.1.101. See HOWL 1.1 for more information
General Refactoring
- Node -> Entity
- NodeId Data Range -> Entity UDI
- ContextId Data Range -> Context UDI
- Range of EntityId was EntityId Data Range. Is now String or EntityUDI.
- Range of ContextId was ContextId Data Range. Is now String or ContextUDI.
- Renamed higgins:source to higgins:authority
Access Control-Related Changes
This version includes experimental support for our latest thinking about IdAS Access Control functionality.
Remove the access control constructs originally introduced in v1.20
New Classes
- Policy (subclass of Entity)
- Operation
- Read (subclass of Operation)
- Add (subclass of Operation)
- Modify (subclass of Operation)
- Delete (subclass of Operation)
New Predicates for Policy objects
- subject: range=Agent
- resource: range=EntityUDI or AttributeUDI
- operation: range=Operation