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Gemini/Meetings/Minutes Sept 2 2010

Gemini Meeting - Thursday Sept 2, 2010

Attendees: Mike Keith, Bob Nettleton, Shaun Smith, Glyn Normington

  1. Subproject Updates
    • Management
      • Hal has left Oracle and is also no longer interested in participating in Gemini
      • Nobody else has volunteered to take over the project (Mike will do some asking to see if he can recruit anyone)
    • DBAccess and JPA
      • Milestone 1 zips uploaded on download server
      • Will monitor forum to see if anyone is has been trying them out
    • Naming
      • Discussion about a demo to show how the project could be used independently
      • Bob to propose some demo ideas (possibly using LDAP client?)
      • Will likely want some kind of demo for when it is released
    • Web
      • Upgrading Tomcat to a later version so that when the project is released it won't have the security vulnerability that is exposed by its current version of Tomcat
  2. CQ Approvals
    • Previous PMC meeting resulted in Mike being actioned to put together a simple decision document for test dependencies
    • Mike will send it around today for comments so it can be ready to send to the PMC before the meeting next week
  3. Testing Strategies
    • Shaun asked about the lineage and dependencies of the test framework used by Virgo
    • The Virgo test framework supports JUnit 4 and makes use of the Virgo deployer to deploy bundles, and is an entirely different framework from the previous OSGi test framework that was used with Spring DM
  4. Release and Incubation
    • Given that some projects will be releasing at the end of October, and that we are hoping to emerge from incubation just after that time, and that other projects will be releasing just after exiting incubation, we should start to look at the release criteria and incubation emergence checklists during these meetings

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