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Gemini/Meetings/Minutes Oct 8 2013
Gemini Meeting - Tues Oct 8, 2013
Attendees: Lazar, Violeta, Florian, Juergen, Mike
- Actions from Last Meetings
- Done
- New members
- Florian Waibel - New Gemini Mgmt project lead
- Dmitry Sklyut - New Gemini Blueprint lead (not present at meeting)
- Subproject Updates
- Gemini JPA
- Mike has joined a different org at Oracle and will not be able to spend as much time on it
- Won't likely be able to put out new features in release until next year
- Gemini DBAccess
- Juergen has health problems and isn't able to do much on the project
- Gemini Naming
- New release during the summer
- One or two bugs fixed and quick released
- Don't anticipate any change to the project from this point on
- Gemini Web
- Will introduce a micro release
- Currently working on integration with Tomcat 8 containing latest Java EE 7 APIs
- TC 8 will likely not be ready until next year
- Gemini Management
- Project is up to latest version of the OSGi JMS spec
- Only a few bugs, no feature requests at this point
- Florian does not seem to be marked as the lead, yet
- Action: Mike to find out if EMO was notified about new leadership
- Hudson builds appeared to be failing (during publishing phase)
- Added some groovy scripts (examples) at
- Gemini JPA
- Meeting Schedule
- Opinions about meeting frequency
- Decision that because projects are mature and have little development going on we will only meet every month or two
- Can also cancel if nothing to discuss
- Action: Mike to schedule next meeting and send out email to the group about reduced meeting frequency