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Gemini/Meetings/Minutes Jan 31 2012

Gemini Meeting - Tues Jan 31, 2012

Attendees: Violeta Georgieva, Lazar Kirchev, Mike Keith, Juergen Kissner

  1. Actions from Last Meeting
    • Mike - To check on status of JMX CT - Done - David B said they should be done by end of Feb
    • Mike - Get advice on how to proceed on Naming release - Done - Discussion in RT PMC concluded with decision to graduate it
    • All - Add releases to Maven repo - Not done - nobody has added them yet
    • Lazar - To send out link on how to keep history across migration - Done
    • Mike - Send email to the Web master to figure out CVS and SVN problems - Done - Figured it out and passed info on to Juergen
  2. Subproject Updates
    • Naming
      • Build discussion - Violeta entering bugs
      • IP Log has been submitted, and graduation/release review has been requested
      • Docuware is mostly ready
      • Action: Mike - Send docuware out to group for comments
      • Discussion around OSGi interface source in the project - OSGi best practice is to include OSGi classes in the impl but ensure they are substitutable
    • DBAccess
      • Update on code contributor communications
      • Want to update Derby to latest release
        • New release seems mostly compatible with previous one
        • Will likely just increment the minor version of the DBAccess Derby bundle
      • Still thinking about doing Git migration
    • Management
      • Successfully passed graduation/release review
      • Preparing for 1.0 release
    • Web
      • Updating to use Tomcat 7.25
        • Previous Tomcat 7.23 had unfortunate bugs
    • JPA
      • Installed P2 feature in main gemini folder
      • Requested Git migration and repo is provisioned
        • Denis offered to perform the migration, but then after Mike accepted his offer no word was received back from him
        • Mike to update the group on how the migration goes
  3. Other
    • Maven repo
      • Action: Mike - Create Maven repo and report on how people can add their released bundles to gemini/mvn folder
    • Eclipse Virgo CQ to use Gemini JPA with JPA 2.0
      • Current CQ is on Proposed Final Draft, need to figure out proper CQ for Final draft
      • Action: Mike - Check with EclipseLink team to see what the best way forward is (since the code is in their project)

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