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Gemini/Meetings/Minutes Feb 26 2013
Gemini Meeting - Tues Feb 26, 2013
Attendees: Juergen, Glyn, Chris, Lazar, Violeta, Mike
- Actions from Last Meeting
- Mike - Enter bug on Maven repo and git usage - Done
- Juergen - Find out more and report on Eclipse plans for Nexus repo mgr - Ongoing
- Subproject Updates
- Gemini DBAccess
- Completed 1.1.0 release
- Additional support for HSQL, MySQL, H2 databases
- Gemini JPA
- Working on JNDI integration feature
- Need to test with latest DBAccess release
- Gemini Blueprint
- Milestone build made public
- Gemini Web
- Completed 2.2.1 release
- Performance improvements, etc.
- Gemini Mgmt
- Release still pending running CT tests
- Gemini Naming
- Nothing to report
- Gemini DBAccess
- Other
- Shared Maven repo
- Decision to not use git to manage the maven repo
- Action: Mike to close recent bug
- Action: Glyn to clean up git metafiles
- Nexus repo manager at Eclipse
- Apparently a new Eclipse admin is giving new life to the Eclipse-hosted maven repo idea (using Nexus repo magr)
- Discussion about whether Maven central will be part of it
- Can follow the current discussion on the dash-dev mailing list
- Shared Maven repo