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Gemini/Meetings/Minutes Dec 18 2012

Gemini Meeting - Tues Dec 4, 2012

Attendees: Juergen, Lazar, Violeta, Glyn, Mike, Chris

  1. Actions from Last Meeting
    • All - Change group id in maven repo to org.eclipse.gemini - Web, and DBAccess done. Others will change in their trunk so that it will be updated in the repo at their next release
    • Glyn - Put maven repo in git repo - Done
    • Glyn - Put section on wiki describing the maven repo in git repo - Done
    • Action: Mike to add XML repo definition snippet to wiki section
  2. Subproject Updates
    • Gemini Blueprint
      • No new updates since last call
    • Gemini JPA
      • No new updates since last call
    • Gemini DBAccess
      • Put out a milestone and have not received any feedback
      • Will make release candidate available either this week or next
    • Gemini Management
      • No new updates since last call
    • Gemini Web
      • Will release 2.2 this week
      • Planned 2.2.1 in a month or so to fix some outstanding bugs
    • Gemini Naming
      • No new updates since last call
  3. Other
    • Next meeting
      • Decided to wait until Jan 15 for next meeting

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