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G-Eclipse/Meeting Minutes/2009-03-31
< G-Eclipse | Meeting Minutes
Meeting Title: | g-Eclipse Conference Call |
Date & Time: | Tuesday Mar 31, 2009 at 1500 UTC / 0700 SFO / 1000 NYC / 1500 London / 1600 Berlin |
Dial-in: | The conference calls are open to the public, and we invite everyone to participate. All you need is an Internet connection, the EVO software, and a EVO user id. You can get everything you need at |
- Thomas Koeckerbauer
- Sylva Girtelschmid
- Ariel Garcia
- SSH plugins (SFTP) - probably 2 bundles
- Thomas uploaded the code in Bug #266987
- Ariel will open CQ (done, CQ #3226)
- gz compression for Java
- (used in the traceviewer, known errors in standard JVM implementation, better open source implementation available from Jcraft)
- Thomas did a plugin (in CVS)
- , version 1.0.7
- Ariel will check the license etc and open a CQ
- Gilda infrastructure
- Sylva using it for lectures at Linz
- Some sites failing, Ariel contacted them
- Thomas will do a tutorial at LRZ on 29 April
- Thomas presented g-Eclipse in monthly meeting at LRZ
- main issue reported by attendees was missing GT4 support
- good chances that Munich will work on GT4 support
- Ariel also did some initial skeleton stuff
- Patches for the workflow editor?
- Ariel applied the missing one
- Thomas tested gEclipse with Galileo,
- only workflow component not compiling (due to EMF)
Additional Topics
- ...
Action Items
- CQs for ssh plugins and jzlib, Ariel
Carry over items
- JSDL Editor into its own installable feature?
- Data management performance. - Mateusz!
- Email by Piter de Boer ( on 25.2.09 regarding LFC reuse and bugfixing, see . Did we react to that email, and profit from his fixes?