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- State for RC2
- Focus areas for test pass
- Andrew Niefer
- Andrew Overholt
- Darin Wright
- DJ Houghton
- Jeff McAffer
- John Arthorne
- Pascal Rapicault
- Scott Lewis
- Simon Kaegi
- Susan McCourt
- Need to make sure we have a good test pass today so we have an accurate picture of outstanding bugs
- Simon will look at shared install scenarios
- John will test shared install under Vista UAC
- Andrew O will test shared install on Linux
- Andrew N will test plugin/feature/site export to ensure p2 generation is correct
- Translation lookups in the UI thread
- Susan will look at initializing outside the UI thread
- Dave looking at optimizing queries
- Another possibility is to return the default language when called in UI thread
- Could also create an option when querying repositories to only query locally cached state
- We had a long discussion about extension locations. Pascal to write something up to summarize.
- Shared install and dropins: There is a current bug we plan to fix for RC2: bug 232444
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