Tom is doing a demo at EclipseCon and is doing an example with framework extensions and was wondering if he should use M5 or if he can use a p2-ized build. The thought is that it might just work. There is currently an open p2 bug for this.
p2 integration
we will probably need a rebuild (before the build is already done :-)
today's build should contain a p2-ized SDK
running off the file and not the update.configurator discovery mechanism
can't just drop bundles into your plug-ins directory and have them installed
we will have a drop-ins folder where people can put bundles and have them discovered and installed
if people are replacing bundles, then they will have to update their file
we can look at sorting the file by bundle id to make it easier
discussions around security integration into p2
where do we put the bundles when it graduates? Platform? RCP?
contain a UI component so prob Platform
discussion around who will be adopting the new support
Oleg is working with the CVS team
at one point we had talked about having all bundles in the RCP being able to run in strict mode
Tom has found a case where a bundle outside the Platform has an extension which depends on an internal class
this doesn't work in strict mode
we need to re-visit how far up we want to enforce the right headers (friends, internal, etc)
we will add it to the discussion topics for the arch call tomorrow