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- Recap of the changes going on
- We need to start running builds
- Maven repo from p2
- Andrew Niefer
- Darin Wright
- DJ Houghton
- Henrik Linberg
- Ian Bull
- John Arthorne
- Simon Kaegi
- Susan McCourt
- Thomas
- More changes for omni Version are ready. Pascal to look at them
- Expression language to replace query need to be reviewed.
- The feedback is mitigated. Some worries around complexity involved and the fact that IQuery and querable are at this point much more general mechanisms. Pascal to provide feedback in the bug report
- Ian
- metadata verification tool to be released
- work on improvements of the query interface: collector removal, number of items, etc.
- batching on the artifact repository
- Susan
- Released new high level operations. To allow for simple things to be simple (update roots, uninstall, install)
- Clients of this new API have a very reduced dependency on p2: only metadata and operations.
- Refactoring of the wizard and additional cleanup
- Simon
- Engine work this week.
- Andrew
- Working on a more consistent way of handling artifact descriptors
- John
- support multiple agents
- Investigation of the Engine API, focused on the client side (for ppl invoking the engine)
- Pascal
- Cleanup of the metadata package. Reviewing if we can hide the concept of namespace.