ECF will need to update its version to indicate an addition of a new service interface
could use provisional or internal and make p2 an x-friend
Scott requests others with NTLM2 networks to do some testing. Scott does not have a local network
need for parallel IP process
Time to take for resolution fix.
We are confident that it will not introduce a regression? (yes)
Dropins is broken if the delta-pack is extracted into a dropins folder or over the eclipse install (bug XXX)
In 3.5 you set up a target platform with another location to use for the delta-pack. This is the recommended way to do this.
bug 285325 tests have been failing for shared install mode. John and Simon are investigating if the fix should be removed for the 3.5.1. Test appear to be failing sporadically.
3.6 Planning
IBM team is finalizing plan
Pascal describes a few requirements from IBM team
OSGi Specification work (OBR etc.). Very slow going. Still gather requirements for the RFP.
Defining repo meta-data and resolver API.
RFP 121 application lifecyle and management.
Application definition is very loose in OSGi. Not strict container. Everything is bundle based and bundles can comprise an application. There is a need for managing a more coarse grain application that can span one or more bundles.
API work for p2.
How far we need to go. Get input from consumers
Must consume meta-data from 3.5 in 3.6
should be able to update from 3.5 to 3.6
verify GC is pluggable
UI goes through engine
Run on other frameworks (Felix).
Have unnecessary dependencies on Equinox (EventMgr, security etc.).
Multi-user scenario support.
relocatable installs (bundle pools etc.).
Others on the team?
Repository work for remote querying.
Get rid of exemplary setup, improve usage of DS and services.
Has impact on API.
multiple instances of p2 running in the same framework
server-side work for doing feature based war work to manage the WAR with p2.
HTTP 4.0 client (maybe?) will not help NTLM2, need to verify
Use of jetty for a replacement of apache http client (unknown if it supports NTLM2)