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Discussion topics
- Early test pass
- Matt will focus on the UI
- Susan, Matt and Henrik to work on repository to help validate the work done around better error message for transport issues, authentication, etc.
- Simon to look at shared installs
- Ian reminds that PDE UI export needs to be tried out
- Come back on the inability to update to a new I build because of the rmdir behavior
- PDE Target Provisioner - Has anyone tried it yet?
- Darin and Curtis briefly describe the new target provisioner they have done. It supports multiple OS by adding plug-ins manually.
- Pascal to look at one problem where the A.JRE IU is not included. Also the possibility for PDE to pre-populate the profile with an IU is emitted.
- Andrew reports that Kim is very close to build the SDK with new PDE Build / publisher infrastructure. This is extremely cool.
- Overall 3.5 status
- John is done with perf improvements
- Simon is worried about some intermittent failing tests and needs to look into shared install problems on the mac
- DJ, nothing blocking
- Matt, nothing blocking
- Susan, most the bugs can be shipped without them being addressed
- Henrik, nothing major, will probably look into the issue of robust uninstall behavior
- Ian, patches are prepared for various publisher issues and also for category export. Email to be sent on the ML.
- Thomas H, he is taking owner ship of director app related bugs. Working on a solution to bug 268138. Pascal to provide feedback.
- Pascal, nothing blocking
- Andrew, need to do work to ensure 3.5 can build 3.4.x. Need to work on the structure of the executable feature.
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