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- Publisher
- A lot of the general pieces are there
- A lot things need to be fixed
- Need changes in the build
- Discussion around what happens to the application for the generator
- need to verify the compatibility
- Composite repositories
- Can't colocate composite.xml, content.xml. Ian look into it.
- Comparison tool support
- Who review the native tasks contributed by Henrik
- BackupStore to improve
- Worried about the timing of this
- We will need to focus on the install handler replacement
- Install handler replacement
- Need to review the metadata
- If this is run from an installer, need to provision an action into an agent
- Having two p2 agents in the same env
- Discussion around service and rewriting
- Line up problem
- Pascal to try set the dependency to true
- Henrik
- Tom W?
- Simon
- Matt
- John
- DJ
- Pascal
- Dave
- Ian
- Doug
- Paul
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