How should we persist on disk? Existing content.xml/artifact.xml or create a new file?
What happens when a subrepository fails to load? How should we cache subrepositories?
Andrew Cattle
Andrew Niefer
DJ Houghton
Jed Anderson
Jim Miles
John Arthorne
Pascal Rapicault
Scott Lewis
Simon Kaegi
Susan McCourt
Tom Watson
Relatively pleasant milestone week for M3. Do it again!
Move the p2 dev call
Pascal to send a message to the dev list but in a nutshell proposes doing calls on Tuesday instead of Monday at the same time (possibly +30 minutes)
Test writing marathon was again good with lots more tests written. John to re-do coverage numbers.
Susan provided some details around UI tests and talked a bit about automation.
Scott talked about transport tests and in particular proxy infrastructure. He mentioned looking at adding some filetransfer tests.
Pascal brought up some ideas around build tests.
M4 Plan
business as usual
Some talk about integrating some of Genuitec's changes from their "uber patch". Jed mentioned he'd have a bettter idea where things sit next week.
Scott brought up possible work on repo discovery
Jim brought up some questions about the action contribution model (done in m3) and install handlers (help wanted - not currently planned for m4). Jim to get back to us on whether the current model for action contributions will work for his use-cases. In particular this hinges on the need for "dynamic" actions installation vs. pre-installation of actions in an installer.
Scott had some questions around whats changing for PDE Build in M4. Nothing currently committed to but should update plan if there are changes others should be aware of.
Composite Sites
Work being done by Andrew Cattle (around for another 7 weeks)
One important use-case is to improve how we're handling our 3.4/3.5 sites. We're currently doing our own aggregation and management of artifacts/metadata in a "mega" site. Composite repos would allow us to have one site per build and then logicall aggregate the sites under one repo URI that would track which sites to include.
Some discussion around implementation decisions:
different repo type(?)
different repo sub-type(?) (see SimpleMetadataRepository)
re-use associate site concept(?)
Another useful usecase is custom categorization. Possibly supported by doing filter in repo(?)