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Equinox/Meeting Minutes/20110502
< Equinox | Meeting Minutes
- Pascal
- DJ
- Tom
- Ian
- Jeff
- John R.
- Fix Copyrights
- p2 rep for Weds. Eclipse team calls
- RC rules of engagement
- Bug triaging
- Permgen
Fix Copyrights
- Ian to do p2 copyright updates.
p2 rep
- Pascal should be able to attend the weds calls.
Bug Triage
- bug 249133 updates sites for shared installs, none are listed.
- involves cascading the profile preferences?
- If the base changes what should we do?
- probably should defer. cascading sounds risky.
- could hack just to cascade the update sites.
- we will defer.
- bug 338495 bug 336848 - UI bug - Composite with 3 children causes a duplication error when a child contained in the composite is re-added.
- is this a UI fix or something that can be fixed in core.
- Jeff will move it back. Jeff to look into it for core.
- bug 343775 Prepare is being called at the wrong time. Called at the end, but should be before.
- Agree to fix prepare for 3.7.
- bug 343329 - API: AdviseFileAdvise is in in an eclipse package.
- p2 import/export bugs
- Code needs polishing
- Mostly minor issues that should be fixed in RC1.
- 273 p2 repos loaded all at once.
- interning strings seems to have caused more permgen space to be used.
- now using string interning to improve performance and sharing of IUs
- Ian to open a bug to record his findings. Not planning to do anything for 3.7.