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Equinox/Meeting Minutes/20100420
< Equinox | Meeting Minutes
- John
- Simon
- Andrew
- Jeff
- Tom
- Last week of M7
- We need to update feature licenses again (bug 306627)
- Can we improve target provisioning message (bug 307789)
- Upgrade to jetty 6.1.23.
- We compiled a new s390x
- Will we have a longer test pass (Monday and Tuesday?)
- This may require an earlier warm-up build.
- Need to be careful about adding any API that is not strictly required.
Update to Jetty
- Plan to get into orbit build by Friday and into one of the M7 warm-up builds, hopefully Friday.
target provisioning message
- Will work with the PDE team to see if they can do something.
- PDE currently will not install features that have the extra requirement on A.PDE.Target.Platform unless you unselect Include required software option.
- Tom to open a bug.
- Trying to select whole categories to install into targets. Is there something we can do to make the work flow better?
- Seems like this will require a bit more change than we would be able to do in 3.6.