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Equinox/Meeting Minutes/20100406
< Equinox | Meeting Minutes
- John
- Simon
- DJ
- Tom
- Jeff
- M7 and performance
- 190 in Equinox in total
- 170 in p2
- Need to go through the equinox plan.
- Evaluate other bugs to make sure we don't have things falling through the cracks.
- John is seeing more OutOfMemory Errors in search for available software
- A class loading bug has been opened. (bug 308157)
Service Usage
- (bug 307812)
- We should strive to remove BundleActivators
- We should scan usages of ServiceTracker and in particular BundleContext.getService which assumes a service is always non-null. Tom will take a first pass over p2 usage of services.
API Freeze
- Confusion of API Freeze
- Need to document this better. We assume the new committers just know the rules.