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Equinox/Meeting Minutes/20100209
< Equinox | Meeting Minutes
- 3.5.2 - need a rebuild (bug 302271)
- Adding things to core tools
- Open File
- John
- DJ
- Tom
- Pascal
- Andrew
- Need to respin.
- Need to start using the comparator.
- Need to make the results more prominent in the build.
- Some bundles are not signed (bug 302280)
Core Tools
- Should we move core tools to the incubator?
- Would allow additional contributors.
- Should it go to the eclipse or equinox incubator?
- Probably the eclipse incubator.
- The Tracing UI stuff should probably go in the PDE or platform incubator.
Open File
- New option for --launcher.defaultAction=openFile
- Old --launcher.openFile option still works, now allows multiple files in a list.