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Equinox/Meeting Minutes/20091020
< Equinox | Meeting Minutes
- Ways to inject through extension registry and e4.
- Using DS for EventAdmin bug 289489
- Progress on retention policy.
- Extension registry and multiple locales
- Tom
- John
- Andrew
- DJ
- Pascal
- Extension registry changes
- need to review patch and give Oleg feedback
- Should target early release in M4.
- Injection story
- Getting services into an application
- Riena has code to ease the use of services and the extension registry
- Currently our application model requires us to use the extension registry
- e4 uses the registry and injection to populate its model (uses annotations)
- We should investigate Riena to see if there is anything we can reuse
- John has been investigating injection in p2
- Using DS for EventAdmin
- suggestion is to add DS metadata and have fragments which revert to old behaviour
- we use DS and if someone doesn't want to use DS then they would use the fragments
- or could have a system property that we check and register if it is set (this might be easier than fragments)
- Tom will modify patch and add property
- property will be generic and not specific to this bundle
- want to get this into M3
- Retention Policy
- we need to get a template wiki page up on the web to be added to