Notice: This Wiki is now read only and edits are no longer possible. Please see: for the plan.
< Epsilon
- Migration from GMT to EMFT
- CQs for external libraries
- Patches contributed by non-committers
- Integration/dissemination of EUnit
- Integration/dissemination of ANT tasks for Eugenia
- Integration of EWL patch from
- Dissemination of new features
- Debugger
- Hyperlinks from operation calls to operation declarations
- Open bugs
- Review and prioritise/allocate
- Integration with the Eclipse build infrastructure
- Get on the next release train
- Write an article on how to ask questions in the forum
- i.e. Provide a zipped project containing models, metamodels, program, stored launch configuration - show how to store a launch configuration
- Add versions to un-versioned plugins and resubmit request for GMT->EMFT (Dimitris) (Done)
- Change JRE version to 1.6 (Dimitris) (Done)
- Integrate/create screencasts/write article about EUnit (Antonio, Done)
- Integrate EWL patch (Antonio) (Integrated by Dimitris)
- Wrap Eugenia as an ANT task (Antonio) (Done)
- Make dependency to Emfatic optional (Done)
- Write article on debugger + blog post (Dimitris)
- Implement parse(String code, File file) method for the EGL module adapter (Louis) Done
- Arrange a meeting after Easter to go through bug reports (Dimitris) Done
- Forward Antonio the details for (Dimitris)
- Blog Done
- Twitter accounts Done
- Shared Gmail account Done
- Write first version of article on how to post questions to the forum (Louis) Done'
- Integration with the Eclipse build infrastructure
- Get on the next release train