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Create an e4 application with a full-blown project structure
When developing OSGi applications, one question will inevitably come up: how do I structure my OSGi bundles? This tutorial guides you through the steps required to create a JavaFX e4 application with a pre-defined bundle structure that aims for decoupling and minimal dependencies. For details about this structure, see Tom's blog post.
- Setup a target platform for your application development:
- Open Preferences > Plugin-in Development > Target Platform
- Click Add ...
- Select "Nothing: Start with an empty target definition".
- Add ...
- Select Software Site
- Add or as a site.
- Expand "FX Target" and check "Target Platform for Eclipse" and uncheck "Include required software"
- Finish and activate the new target.
- Run the New > Project ... JavaFX/OSGi/e4 Application projects wizard.
- On the first wizard page, enter a prefix for your application and leave the rest of the settings on their defaults.
- On the 2nd page enter a product name and leave the rest as is so the wizard generates tycho build fragments, jemmy-junit tests and other bundles
Remark: The jemmy-junit option is only enabled if you added JUnit-Testing features from to your target platform
- The wizard creates six bundles: the main bundle, a feature bundle, a product bundle, a JemmyFX test bundle and Jemmy feature, and a releng bundle.
- Fill your application with life by configuring the Application.e4xmi and adding your source code.
- Start your application by open the context menu on $