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Eclipse UML Generators
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Eclipse UML Generators Project provides components that automatically bridge the gap between UML models and source code. Either by extracting data from UML models (and UML profiles or decoration models) to produce source code or by reverse-engineering source code to produce UML models.
Code generation uses Acceleo. It is incremental and can be extended thanks to its overriding system.
In most cases, these generators do not need to rely on a profile and use the native structure of UML.
Acceleo is an implementation of the MOF Model-To-Text Transformation Language (MTL) specification from OMG.
UML (Unified Modeling Language) is the specification from OMG. The current version is 2.x.
- The latest release on Eclipse Luna (0.9) of Eclipse UML Generators can be installed from this update site.
This is also available from the Eclipse Market Place:
- Downloads: update sites
- More detailed installation instructions per module in the last release documentation section.
Eclipse UML Generators can be installed on the following Eclipse platforms :
- Eclipse Luna (4.4) for the release 0.9.
- Eclipse Luna and Mars (4.5) for the next release.
- Java 1.5 to Java 1.7
- The Homepage.
- The Eclipse project page
- The Source code.
- The Opened reviews on Gerrit
- The Mailing list for developers
- The Last Release Documentation & Module Frameworks
- The Bugzilla.
- The Wiki pages
- The Specifications of new features