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Eclipse SOC 2007 Meeting Page

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General Information

Eclipse SoC Meetings will take place on the official Eclipse Summer of Code IRC channel is #eclipse-soc located on freenode. Meetings are currently scheduled on Thursdays at:

0900 PDT - 1200 EDT - 1600 UTC (see for timezone information.)

It is unclear at this time if these meetings will occur on a regular basis (or if they will remain at this time).

These meetings are not mandatory, especially when you consider that it is the middle of the night in the far east. However, it is encouraged that at least one of the student / mentor pair try and attend the meeting. This page will serve as a placeholder for meeting agendas and follow-up information.


June 21th 2007

Time: UTC+2/12 noon CEST

Meeting minutes can be found in the email archive.

June 14th 2007

Time: 0900 PDT - 1200 EDT - 1600 UTC (see for timezone information.)

For a complete summary of the meeting, please see Remy's Meeting Summary

Agenda / Action Items:

  • Introductions
  • Status check
  • Eclipse CVS Status for SoC Projects
  • Eclipse Bugzilla for SoC Projects (See Bug #186907)
    • A list of SoC components is being formed here
    • Everyone should watch the inbox (How to do that?)
  • Discuss time slots to use for future meetings
    • If necessary, create localized status meeting for the American, Europe/Africa and Asia/Australia continent.
  • Discuss legal connotations from third-party libraries (If you use any third party software, make sure you get permission on soc-dev list before submitting it to CVS).
  • Everyone should request an account (how do we go about doing this?)

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