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Eclipse DemoCamps Oxygen 2017 November/Bonn
itemis AG Poppelsdorfer Allee 114 53115 Bonn
Date and Time
Monday, November 20th, 2017, 18:15
This Demo Camp will be sponsored by itemis AG, Eclipse strategic member and the leading company for model-driven software development.
If your company is willing to co-sponsor this event, please contact Matthias Gutheil.
Niklas Bulitta && Matthias Gutheil
- Hendrik Bünder: "Organizational Aspects of Large Scale Model Migrations - How to ensure Performance, Predictability and Guidance"
- Markus Kett: "Highspeed Datenbank-Anwendungen mit Jetstream Java In-Memory Datenbank"
- Vadym Kazulkin: "Performanzmessungen mit dem Java Microbenchmarking Harness (JMH) Framework in deiner IDE"
- Tamas Miklossy: "Eclipse GEF DOT - Graphviz environment in Eclipse"
- Markus Kett: "Cross-Platform-Development mit der Eclipse Distribution RapidClipse - Big Overview"
- Henning Treu: "Smarthome Geräte steuern und verbinden mit Eclipse SmartHome"
- 18:15 - 18:30 Reception
- 18:30 - 18:45 Opening
- 18:45 - 19:05 Tamas Miklossy: "Eclipse GEF DOT - Graphviz environment in Eclipse"
- 19:10 - 19:30 Vadym Kazulkin: "Performanzmessungen mit dem Java Microbenchmarking Harness (JMH) Framework in deiner IDE"
- 19:30 - 20:00 Break, Snacks
- 20:00 - 20:20 Henning Treu: "Smarthome Geräte steuern und verbinden mit Eclipse SmartHome"
- 20:25 - 20:45 Markus Kett: "Highspeed Datenbank-Anwendungen mit Jetstream Java In-Memory Datenbank"
- 20:45 - 21:05 Break, Snacks
- 21:05 - 21:25 Hendrik Bünder: "Organizational Aspects of Large Scale Model Migrations - How to ensure Performance, Predictability and Guidance"
- 21:30 - 21:50 Markus Kett: "Cross-Platform-Development mit der Eclipse Distribution RapidClipse - Big Overview"
- 21:50 - open end Eclipse Stammtisch at itemis Bonn
Who Is Attending
If you plan on attending please add your name and company to the list below. If you have any trouble with the wiki, just send an email to Matthias Gutheil.
- Rodion Alukhanov, ip.labs GmbH
- Hendrik Buender, itemis AG
- Niklas Bulitta, itemis AG
- Matthias Gutheil, itemis AG
- Ramy Hardan,
- Danyal Iqbal, itemis AG
- Vadym Kazulkin, ip.labs GmbH
- Markus Kett, XDEV Software Corp.
- Tamás Miklóssy, itemis AG
- Philip Mo, GoDaddy EMEA
- Marcus Rickert, Accelerated Solutions
- Florian Schöler, itemis AG
- Ralf Schukey, [Freiberufler]
- Henning Treu, DTAG
Please add your name in alphabetical order.