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Eclipse DemoCamps November 2014/Beijing
Eclipse DemoCamp Beijing
Beijing, November 7th 2014 | 北京 2014年11月7日
Intro 介绍
Eclipse DemoCamp in Beijing on 2014 November 7th is a free event organized by enthusiasts and supported by the Eclipse Foundation. This event will target on the IT developers. Welcome to share the experiences of Eclipse open source projects, give Eclipse demo, and discuss the technical issues with the participants. This event will also provide a good opportunity and platform for the Eclipse members and developers to communicate.
2014年11月7日在北京举行的Eclipse Day China 是在Eclipse Foundation支持下在中国举办的一次免费的面向在中国开发人员和Eclipse爱好者的活动。 活动中,众多来自行业领先企业的中外专家及资深开发人员将与您分享Eclipse开源项目中的经验,Eclipse产品演示,并与大家探讨Eclipse相关的技术问题。 此次活动也将是一次Eclipse爱好者交流的机会和平台。
If you are interest to be co-organizers & co-presenters, please contact with us. 如果您有兴趣成为活动组织的志愿者, 请随时和我们联系。(伟保罗, QQ 908781544)
Location 场地
Funshion Online Beijing office
北京海淀区知春路6号锦秋国际大厦B座8层黑星会议室 Star Wars Room on 8 floor, Tower B, Horizon International Tower,6 Zhichun Road, Haidian District, Beijing
LatLong: 39.90403, 116.407526
Date and Time 时间
Friday, November 7th 7pm sharp 11月07号 周五 7点钟
Organizers 组织者
- Beijing JVMs and Node.js User Groups (Java, Groovy, Scala, Android, JavaScript)
- Paul Verest Paul Verest +86 187 01029146, QQ 908781544 Software Architect at Funshion风行在线
Sponsors 赞助
There will be food like pizza and drinks, sponsored by Soyatech and possibly by Eclipse.
Call for support
Please support us!
Half of Eclipse members are in China or have big Chinese clients. Please support Chinese Eclipse event as you do elsewhere.
There is no minimum requirement. We don't really need much money (only snacks, best presenter & topics awards, maybe some lucky draw for 50$ present, etc) Help as much as you can. The most important is that you show support for Eclipse.
近一半的Eclipse成员在中国, 或者拥有庞大的中国客户。 请尽您所能支持中国Eclipse活动。
赞助没有金额限制,我们目前只是需要小额赞助(例如:午餐、饮料、奖品-最佳演讲者&最佳演讲内容,或者幸运抽奖)。任何金额的赞助对我们来说都是非常重要的, 代表着您对Eclipse的支持。
This Eclipse DemoCamp will be promoted by the Eclipse Foundation
- Eclipse Foundation is a not-for-profit, member supported corporation that hosts the open-source Eclipse Projects.
If you or your company would like to sponsor the venue for the event please get in touch with Paul Verest +86 187 01029146.
Paul Verest @ or
We will promote your company and help in all ways. There is no minimum requirement. Help so much as you can.The most important is that you show support for Eclipse
If we have money left, we will return or donate to Eclipse (or next event) as you wish.
Eclipse Foundation为非盈利机构,如果您或您的公司希望能提供场地或者其它任何赞助,请联系伟保罗, QQ 908781544 。
Agenda 议程
The languages of presentation will be both English & Chinese, depending on presenter.
Time | Topic | Presenter | Description | |
19:00 | Reception, eating pizza, drinking, talking | Pizza is an oven-baked flat bread typically topped with tomato sauce and cheese. | ||
19:30 | 1) Eclipse organization, members and projects | Eclipse组织和项目介绍 2) Enide Studio 2014 as Eclipse IDE for Node.js and Java (English & 中文) |
Paul Verest | Why Eclipse is great, Eclipse latest news and projects updates 介绍为什么Eclipse比你的了解可能更大。 |
20:00 | 用XWT开发界面 | | 深圳松亚科技Soyatec | |
20:30 | Eclipse Cloud Development and Codenvy | Stévan Le Meur (remotely) | | |
21:00 | Tabris.js - crossplatform development from EclipseSource | Jochen Krause (remotely) | |
想了解多一点儿?become co-presenter! 需要和演讲人活动之前沟通,跟多学会,准备一起讲。
Who Is Attending | 谁参加?怎么注册?
因场地有限, 请注册预留席位。注册参会优先进入。
Visit registration site above to register and see guests list.
News 新闻
For Bloggers and Users of Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, Weibo, Weixin etc.
In case you plan to blog or tweet about the Eclipse DemoDay China in Beijing, please use the tags #eclipse #eclipse-china in order to make it easier to find all the comments and pictures. Thanks a lot for telling the world about the event! | 请用#eclipse#和#eclipse-china#标签微博一下。
Eclipse中国QQ群 321486747