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Eclipse DemoCamps November 2011/Stockholm

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Ongame Future AB, Klarabergsviadukten, Stockholm, Sweden

Google map

Date and Time

23 Nov 2011 17:00


This Eclipse DemoCamp will be sponsored by:




If your company is willing to co-sponsor this event, please contact Javaforum Stockholm.


For registration and more info:

Javaforum Stockholm





Introduction and Welcome

Mattias Karlsson, Henrik Lindberg, Joakim Eriksson


State of Affairs

Ralph Mueller, Eclipse Foundation


Ceylon, Fantom, Kotlin - Everybody should have her own language!

Sebastian Zarnekow

Visual project modeling

Dag Rende

2 x Cool RCP Apps

Peer Törngren

Webscale HA applications with OSGi and EMF on EC2 made simple

Thomas Hallgren


Break, pizza and beer


Code Review with Git and Gerrit

Robin Rosenberg

Eclipse RCP 4

Anders Forsell,

Fredrik Attebrant

Geppetto (IDE for Puppet development)

Henrik Lindberg

Bioclipse - Eclipse for the Life Sciences

Ola Spjuth



Birthday cake




17:45 Welcome, and introductions

Mattias Karlsson, Henrik Lindberg, Joakim Eriksson

18:00 Keynote: State of Affairs

Ralph Mueller, Eclipse

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Ralph Mueller, the Director of the European Eclipse Ecosystem talks about the past, the present, and the future of Eclipse...


Ceylon, Fantom, Kotlin - Everybody should have her own language!

Sebastian Zarnekow, itemis

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Programming is great fun. Doing so in your own programming language even more so! Seriously, inventing yet another general purpose programming language is rarely a good idea. However, as you can imagine, Java isn't the best choice in every case either. A small language well-suited to solve a specialized task concisely can improve the productivity of a whole team by orders of magnitude.

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In this talk you'll learn how easy it is to create a highly expressive, statically typed domain-specific language with the help of the Xtext framework ( . The good news is that you'll end up not only with a fully-functional compiler but also a top-notch IDE as icing. All this and more for free, as in beer.

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Visual Project Modeling

Dag Rende, Find Out AB

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In this presentation, Dag will demonstrate a few of Find Out's Eclipse based products, both from a user and developer perspective. He will also be showing how to use Eclipse for web development. Some new and interesting environments are supported by good Eclipse plug-ins. For example Grails, Spring, Google Web Toolkit, Scala, Vaadin and C.

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Webscale HA applications with OSGi and EMF on EC2 made simple

Thomas Hallgren, Cloudsmith

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In this presentation Thomas presents how Cloudsmith develops a highly available, web-scale OSGi based application running on Amazon EC2. In the presentation Thomas will cover, why OSGi is preferable to JEE, how EMF modeling is used with GWT and data is stored in a HA-store using technologies like J/E-Git, Hazelcast and Gluster FS on top of Amazon EC2. In the presentation you will get an overview of the architecture, the development process, testing with JUnit, Guice, EasyMock and Selenium. The Cloudsmith Stackhammer service is used to illustrate the result.

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2 x Cool RCP Apps

Peer Törngren, IBM Cognos

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In this presentation, Peer Törngren presents two cool RCP applications, and points to interesting technical details when developing with RCP.

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IBM Cognos Controller "In the labs"

The RCP-based "Command Center" is a potential future feature in IBM Cognos Controller, a product for consolidation of financial information within the IBM Cognos Financial Performance Management suite. The demo will briefly show the product, including some technical points on how to tweak SWT widgets into a "branded" look, and how to make the Nebula grid scale to handle 10,000 cells or more.

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SMD Yggdrasil

A brief demo of the RCP-based client for the open source project Social Music Discovery (, a project to extend the Logitech Squeezebox product range with better control of metadata and ability to integrate with social networks. The demo will give a short presentation of the SMD project, a quick demo of the RCP-based client in its current state (pre-alpha), and (hopefully) some interesting discussions around music, SMD and Yggdrasil. The shameless objective is to attract geeks with RCP and/or Java skills, a burning passion for music and nothing to do on Saturday nights :-)


Code Review with Git and Gerrit

Robin Rosenberg, Dewire

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A down to earth walkthrough on using Eclipse and Git together with Gerrit and Hudson as a tool for raising the quality of your code. Most examples will made using the EGit and JGit implementations. Both command line Git and EGit will be used.

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Eclipse RCP 4

Anders Forsell, Fredrik Attebrant, Find Out Technologies

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In this presentation, Anders and Fredrik will demonstrate some of the key technologies to use for large-scale applications with Eclipse RCP 4.x, including some of the new features in "e4". Presentation:

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Geppetto, an IDE for Puppet Development

Henrik Lindberg, Cloudsmith

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Puppet is a widely used open source tool for managing configurations of server farms as well as armadas of desktop computers. In this presentation Henrik presents Geppetto, an IDE for Puppet development built on Eclipse and Xtext. After a brief introduction to Puppet and a demonstration of Geppetto, the presentation points out some of the difficulties and solutions when implementing support for a complex dynamic Ruby like language with Xtext. Project website:

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Bioclipse - Eclipse for the Life Sciences

Ola Spjuth, Uppsala University

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Bioclipse is an open source workbench for the life sciences built as an Eclipse RCP application. Bioclipse delivers a scriptable platform with graphical editors and wizards in fields such as drug discovery, cheminformatics, bioinformatics, and education. All GUI functionality is scriptable via an integrated scripting language based on Javascript. The presentation will feature an introduction and motivation for the project, an overview of the architecture, and a demonstration of some functionality developed in collaboration with AstraZeneca R&D.

Project homepage:


Anders Forsell

FindOut Technologies AB

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Anders is a developer/architect with a long experience in using the Eclipse RCP platform for commercial products. Some of his specialities are model-driven development (EMF, ...) and development of large-scale applications using OSGi.

Thomas Hallgren

Cloudsmith Inc

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Thomas leads the Eclipse Tools/Buckminster project where he has architectural and development responsibility. Thomas has also made significant contributions to the Equinox P2 project, and has done a lot of the heavy lifting for the Eclipse community in the build domain.

Thomas has thirty years of software development experience, and is on the leading edge of many technical trends in OO, componentization, modelling, "anything to do with clouds", enterprise application architecture and run-time and development infrastructure technologies. His current "day job" is a co-founder and principal architect at Cloudsmith Inc., an Eclipse consortium member, where he architects and develops web scale, HA applications using modelling and OSGi technologies.

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Thomas prefers to have his relationships expressed as p2 queries.

Mattias Karlsson

Avega Group & Javaforum

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Mattias spends most of his time working with software development in the financial sector as well as leading a Java User Group in Stockholm, Sweden. Mattias has worked with OO software development since 1993. Through the years he has gained experience from many different roles, including developer, architect, team leader, coach, manager, and teacher. In these roles he receives consistent feedback about his ability to inspire and motivate the people he works with. The JUG holds six to eight fully booked meetings per year with more then 200 participants at every meeting. Mattias is also one of the organizers behind Jfokus. Jfokus is the largest Java-focused annual conference in Stockholm.

Henrik Lindberg

Cloudsmith Inc

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Henrik is a founder and CTO of Cloudsmith Inc., an Eclipse consortium member. Henrik has 30 years of experience architecting and developing innovative infrastructure and application software and tooling. Past positions include leadership of BEA's Java Run-Time Group (JRockit) and CTO and/or technical founder of several publicly and privately held software companies. Henrik leads the Eclipse b3, and Eclipse Buckminster projects and is a committer on Eclipse p2. In his "day job" at Cloudsmith he gets most excited about the newest stuff and the hardest problems. Would solve every one with a Turing-complete language (plus an editor) if the team would let him.

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Henrik is also the founders of the Swedish Eclipse User Group found at

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Ralph Mueller

Eclipse Foundation

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Ralph Mueller has worked in the software industry as a computer scientist for over 20 years. After working for Object Technology International, Ralph Mueller has worked for IBM where he spent 5 years as Solutions Architect for the European Automotive industry.

Today, Mr Mueller is Director of the Eclipse Ecosystem Europe, a position where he is in constant contact with Eclipse users and companies across Europe.

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Dag Rende


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Dag started FindOut AB in 2004, with "Paipe” a product based on the Eclipse platform. Eclipse is Dag's primary tool for both web app, fat app and embedded systems development. His Eclipse experience have given him the opportunity to help many other companies develop Eclipse based products.

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Robin Rosenberg


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Robin Rosenberg is an experienced developer and configuration manager who uses all available tools at hand, though that is nowadays mostly Java and Unix tools. Robin is one of the initiators and initial committers of the JGit and EGit plugins that became Eclipse Technology projects in 2009.

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Ola Spjuth

Uppsala University

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Ola Spjuth is a researcher at the department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, Uppsala University with research interests mainly in drug discovery and informatics. He is Deputy Director for UPPMAX (the HPC center at Uppsala University). When not researching, he leads the Bioclipse project at Eclipse.

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Peer Törngren

IBM Cognos - The SMD Project

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Peer Törngren is an architect/developer with more than 30 years experience in the computer industry. His special interests are model-driven techniques and software engineering practices, and he has over 15 years experience in object- and model-oriented engineering. He has worked as a developer, architect, mentor and methodologist in a number of small and large organizations producing commercial software for the global market. Besides end-user applications, he has built development tools, meta models and model processing tools. Peer is one of the founders of the Swedish Eclipse User Group and the principal developer of the RCP-based client for the open source Social Music Discovery project.

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Peer is proud to have Eclipse version 0.137 on his hard drive.

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Sebastian Zarnekow


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Sebastian Zarnekow is a software architect and consultant at itemis in Kiel, Germany. He develops frameworks and tools for model-driven and language oriented software development and is a committer for various Eclipse projects such as Xtext, Xpand or MWE. Sebastian is a speaker at conferences and author of articles for magazines.

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