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Eclipse DemoCamps November 2011/Pecs
Bella Italia, 7624 Pecs, Rokusalja u. 14.
Date and Time
1 December, 18:00
This Eclipse DemoCamp will be sponsored by
If your company is willing to co-sponsor this event, please contact Zoltan Zidarics.
- 18:00 Reception
- 18:15 Opening
- 18:20 Demo1
- 18:40 pause
- 18:45 Demo2
- 19:05 pause
- 19:10 Demo3
- 19:30 Open discussion
- Eclipse news, Laszlo Egerszegi Eclipse E4
- Using Eclipse in C/C++ environments, Zoltan Zidarics
- Eclipse+Liferay, Zoltan Zidarics Eclipse+Liferay
If you would like to present at this event, please add your name below.
Who Is Attending
If you plan on attending please add your name and company to the list below. If you have any trouble with the wiki, just send an email to Zoltan Zidarics.
- Zoltan Zidarics PTE University
- Peter Megyeri PTE University
- Agnes Achs PTE University
- Zita Herczeg PTE University
- Janos Haber Fine Solution Kft.
- Attila Szomor eFabric Kft.
- Peter Darvasi PTE University
- Peter Szabo Daten Kontor kft.
- Zalan Toth NeverMind Software kft.
- Csaba Ursprung Daten Kontor kft.
- Laszlo Egerszegi Computer Technika Kft.
- Edit Szlavik PTE University
- Háberné Niesz Piroska Fine Solution Kft.
- Laszlo Tamas PTE University
- Gabor Papp PTE University
- Zsolt Kisander PTE University
- Tamas Zidarics PTE University
- Gabor Kokeny PTE University
- Attila Lempel PTE University
- Ádám Drescher PTE University