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Eclipse DemoCamps November 2011/Bangalore

Eclipse DemoCamp Old.jpg What is an Eclipse DemoCamp?


Little Italy Restaurant, Hosur Road, Koramangala
Cuisine : Authentic Italian Food. Bangalore DemoCamp has decided to Go Veg as they celebrate Eclipse's Birthday.
Locate on Google Map : Click Here

"Go Green Eclipse ! Go Green Bangalore"

Date and Time

Date :: December 12th 2011 Time :: 6pm - 9pm


This Eclipse DemoCamp will be sponsored by Eclipse Foundation
We are still open for co-sponsors.If your company is willing to co-sponsor this event, please contact annamalai (at) ancitconsulting (dot) com.


  • Annamalai C, ANCIT CONSULTING, annamalai (at) ancitconsulting (dot) com, @malai
  • Revathy A, ANCIT CONSULTING, reva (at) ancgrp (dot) com


Eclipse 10y Vectors.png
  • On the occasion of Eclipse's 10th Birthday, Bangalore also decides to join the celebration.
  • The event starts with Eclipse Birthday Cake Cutting @ 6pm.
  • Followed by that would be the series of Presentations by our Eclipse Experts in Town.
  • Snacks and Drinks will be served during the event and post Presentations we would start with the Dinner.


If you would like to present at this event, please add your name below.

  • Key Note Address :: Sri Guha.V, BOSCH - Innovation through Collaboration - Going the Open Source Route
  • Niranjan Babu, BOSCH - Introduction to Sphinx
  • Saurav Sarkar, SAP Labs India- Enterprise modeling through CDO and Mylyn Context
  • Nidhi Rajshree/Srikanth Tamilselvam, IBM Research India - Cockpit Modelling ToolKit,
    An Eclipse and BPMN based toolkit for Citizen centric Service Design
  • Prof.Dinesha, IIIT, Bangalore - Our Experience in Introducing Eclipse in IIITB.
  • Tarun Telang, SAP Labs India - Transforming UML to code with Acceleo, simply the best code generation tool.
  • Jayasimha K S, Bosch - Technologies for developing IDE on Cloud
  • Sandeesha M, Bosch - Spying your plugins with YARI & Runtime Spy

Who Is Attending

If you plan on attending please add your name and company to the list below.
If you have any trouble with the wiki, just send an email to,

Number of Registrations:34
Number of Participants:24

  1. Annamalai C, ANCIT
  2. Revathy A, ANCIT
  3. Jayasimha KS, BOSCH
  4. Niranjan Babu, BOSCH
  5. Ramapriya, BOSCH
  6. Karthikeyan, Mercedes Benz
  7. Sandeesha, BOSCH
  8. Swapna, BOSCH
  9. Avinash Shrimali, BOSCH
  10. Saurav Sarkar, SAP Labs India @sauravs Codify It
  11. Ashwani Kr Sharma, SAP Labs India
  12. Panneer Selvam, SAP Labs India
  13. Aparna Saraswat, Oracle
  14. Praveen Joseph, BOSCH
  15. Ajay Chandrahasan, BOSCH
  16. Vikas Kushwaha, BOSCH
  17. Ankit Garg, BOSCH
  18. Tarun Telang, SAP Labs India
  19. Vaibhav Kumar , SAP Labs India
  20. Babu Natarajan, AtoS <Siemens IT Solutions & Services>
  21. Chandrayya G K, BOSCH
  22. Anshu Jain, IBM Research, India
  23. Ravi Ponnusamy, AtoS <Siemens IT Solutions & Services>
  24. P.Balachanran, AtoS <Siemens IT Solutions & Services>
  25. Jeya Vetha Lal, AtoS <Siemens IT Solutions & Services>
  26. Paranthaman Karthikeyan, AtoS <Siemens IT Solutions & Services>
  27. Srikanth Tamilselvam, IBM Research India
  28. Nidhi Rajshree IBM Research India
  29. Srinivas Gudla, Xilinx India Technology Services
  30. Prof.K Dinesha, IIIT Bangalore
  31. Srinivasa Iyer, BOSCH
  32. Sri Guha V., BOSCH
  33. Nikita Goswami,SAP Labs
  34. Mahesh Patil, Bosch
  35. Prateek Babel, Bosch

Due to lack of Sponsorship, we would be restricting the count of participants to 30.
Registrations have closed. Please contact the organisers for any further details.

Pictures / Photos

Pics on Picasa :

Blogs /Twitter

We request you to blog or twitter about the Eclipse Demo Camp happening in Bangalore. The Presenters are requested to upload their Presentations / Shareable Demos thru their Blogs or Slideshare. Please update your Blog Links / Presentation Links / Twitter Twits below

Read Updates on Eclipse Demo Camp 2011 on Malai's Twitter - @malai
Blog Updates :Happy Birthday Eclipse ! Join the Celebration
On Codify It: Eclipse Demo Camp 2011 and so on

@wernerkeil: Malai's tweets are protected and he has only 1 follower who can read them, that's not very transparent or makes it easy for people to follow what'll happen at Bangalore DemoCamp?;-(


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