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Eclipse DemoCamps November 2010/Budapest
The wine cellar next to Miniatűr, 1024 Budapest, II.district, Rózsahegy street 1/A (Rózsahegy-Buday László corner) map
Date and time
19 November 2010, 19:00
Please note that the venue capacity is limited. It is recommended to arrive early to ensure a good spot.
Brandon Ulrich
If you would like to present at the DemoCamp, please feel free to add your name and topic to the list. Depending on the number of people interested we may have to limit the number of presenters and time of each demo.
- István Benedek, Eclipse technológiák a Magyar Egészségügyben [Eclipse technologies in Hungarian Health Care System]
- Gergely Nagy - Háttérfolyamatok jobban: Job-ban (Background tasks with Jobs)
- András Péteri - Processing: programming sketches in Eclipse
- Zsolt Török - OSGi on Android
- Akos Kitta - TestNG testing framework
- István Ráth & Zoltán Ujhelyi - EMF-IncQuery: Hatékony és inkrementális lekérdezések EMF modelleken [EMF-IncQuery: High performance incremental queries over EMF models]
Who Is Attending
If you plan on attending please add your name and company to the list below. We'd like to see as many people show up as possible.
- Brandon Ulrich, B2 International
- Balázs Bánfai, B2 International
- Zsolt Török, B2 International
- Szabolcs Bárdy, B2 International
- Gergely Nagy, B2 International
- Béla Vizer, B2 International
- Bence Oláh, B2 International
- Leo Devai, B2 International
- Endre Kovács B2 International
- András Péteri B2 International
- Ákos Kitta B2 International
- Magdolna Marosvári B2 International
- Orsolya Bali, B2 International
- Tamás Malatinszki, Flextronics Hungary
- István Benedek, BesTest Kft.
- Auth Gábor,
- Máté Gulyás, Distinction
- György Rácz, BesTest Kft.
- István Székely, I-Logic Kft.
- Károly Belovitz, CIB
- Dávid Pribil, B2 International
- Balázs Németh, Edudoo
- Zsolt Nagy, I-Logic Kft.
- Zoltán Kadlecsik, I-Logic Kft.
- Richárd Kovács, I-Logic Kft.
- Tamás Szentner, Edudoo
- Melo Sándor, Kopint Datorg Zrt
- Kárándi Tamás, evosoft
- Schmidt János, evosoft
- Ferenc Boldog, Ustream Hungary
- Holczhauser Károly , PPKE ITK
- Szendi Bence , PPKE ITK
- Mihály Csókás, GFTH Kft.
- Barnabás Szőke, evosoft
- Koi Sándor, MNI
- Tamás Magyar, I-Logic Kft.
- Zoltán Ujhelyi, BME MIT
- Miklós Sándor, I-Logic Kft.
- István Ráth, BME MIT
- Ákos Horváth, BME MIT
- Gábor Bergmann, BME MIT
- Gergely Pinter, BME MIT