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Eclipse DemoCamps November 2009/Budapest


Tabán Teázó 1013 Budapest, Attila út 27. map

Date and time

3 December 2009 19:00


Brandon Ulrich, B2 International


If you would like to present at the DemoCamp, please feel free to add your name and topic to the list. Depending on the number of people interested we may have to limit the number of presenters and time of each demo.

  1. Zsolt Török: e4 — The next generation of Eclipse
  2. Gergely Nagy: Test driven JBPM with Eclipse
  3. Szabolcs Bárdy: Integration of Drools with Eclipse
  4. Dávid Borsodi, István Dévai: Eclipse Modeling Framework + showcase of an application using it (Static Model Designer)
  5. András Péteri: Web application development with the Play framework and Eclipse

Who Is Attending

If you plan on attending please add your name and company to the list below. We'd like to see as many people show up as possible.

  1. Brandon Ulrich, B2 International
  2. Balázs Bánfai, B2 International
  3. Zsolt Török, B2 International
  4. Szabolcs Bárdy, B2 International
  5. Gergely Nagy, B2 International
  6. István Benedek, B2 International
  7. Bence Oláh, B2 International
  8. Leo Devai, B2 International
  9. Srdan Bejakovic B2 International
  10. István Dévai B2 International
  11. András Péteri B2 International
  12. Dávid Borsodi B2 International
  13. Adrienn Kőhalmi B2 International
  14. Orsolya Bali, B2 International
  15. Péter Fuchs (Student - BME-VIK)
  16. Donát Csikós (Student - BME-VIK)
  17. Tamás Malatinszki (Flextronics Hungary)
  18. Ferenc Boldog Ustream
  19. Gergo Bakos
  20. Balázs Török, Lufthansa Systems
  21. Károly Belovitz, (CIB Bank Zrt.)
  22. Auth Gábor (Kopint)
  23. Tamás Kárándi
  24. János Schmidt
  25. Nándor Előd Fekete Quark Solutions
  26. Magyar Tamás (Magyusz)
  27. Huj Tamás (Student - BME-VIK)
  28. Molnár, Tamás (Loxon Solutions)
  29. Miklós Sándor (I-Logic)
  30. István Székely (I-Logic)
  31. András Szabó (iData)
  32. Balázs Simon (BME-IIT)
  33. György Rácz, GFTH Kft
  34. Iván Szántó ULX Open Source Consulting & Distribution

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