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Eclipse DemoCamps November 2008/Ottawa

Eclipse-camp.gif What is an Eclipse DemoCamp?


The CodeFactory 246 Queen Street Ottawa (between Kent and Bank; above Green Papaya Restaurant)

Date and Time

Thursday, November 27 7:00-10:00pm


Lynn Gayowski, Eclipse Foundation


If you would like to present at the DemoCamp, please feel free to add your name and topic to the list. Depending on the number of people interested we may have to limit the number of presenters and time of each demo.

  1. Kia Mousavi, Code Portfolio Mapping in Eclipse, Protecode Inc
  2. Boris Bokowski, IBM, e4 Simplified Programming Model
  3. Eric Moffatt, IBM, Modeled UI in e4
  4. Jeff McAffer, Code 9, Not really sure but it'll be something related to Equinox, runtimes, provisioning, ...
  5. Annie Valade, Zeligsoft, Deployment-aware code generation for embedded systems
  6. Blaise Doughan, Oracle Corporation, Object-to-XML Mapping with EclipseLink MOXy
  7. Nick Edgar, IBM, Embedding Web UIs in Eclipse

NOTE: We seem to have enough presenters now, so if you would like to be on a waiting list please feel free to add yourself but we can't guarantee you will present.

Who Is Attending

If you plan on attending please add your name to the list below. We'd like to see as many people show up as possible.

  1. Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
  2. Lynn Gayowski, Eclipse Foundation
  3. David Bellfeuille, Protecode
  4. Mahshad Koohgoli, Protecode
  5. Andrew Ross, Ingres, Open Source Bootcamp
  6. Kevin McGuire, IBM
  7. Boris Bokowski, IBM
  8. Eric Moffatt, IBM
  9. Jeff McAffer, Code 9
  10. Annie Valade, Zeligsoft
  11. Jon Corchis, Zeligsoft
  12. Christian W. Damus, Zeligsoft
  13. Kenn Hussey, Embarcadero Technologies
  14. Mike Norman, Oracle Canada/Master's Student @ Carleton's TIM (Technology, Innovation & Management) Program
  15. Rick Barkhouse, Oracle Canada
  16. Greg Johnson, RBR - if I can find a flight...
  17. Jianqiang Shi, Omnitrol
  18. Simon Kaegi, IBM
  19. Pascal Rapicault, IBM
  20. Tod Creasey, IBM
  21. Kevin Barnes, IBM
  22. Brent Barkman, IBM
  23. Patrick Lalonde, IBM
  24. Duong Nguyen, IBM
  25. Nick Edgar, IBM
  26. Olivier Thomann, IBM
  27. Doug Schaefer, Wind River
  28. Stephanie Chafe, Zeligsoft
  29. Alan Ferguson
  30. Matt MacIvor, Oracle Canada
  31. Peter Krogh, Oracle Canada
  32. Michael Braeuer, Oracle Canada
  33. Thomas Patel
  34. Matthew Bisson, IBM
  35. Tyler Dickerson, University of Ottawa (Student)
  36. Tom Ware, Oracle Canada
  37. Alex Trofast, Ingres
  38. Ryan Karn, IBM

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