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Eclipse DemoCamps Mars 2015/Shenzhen
Eclipse DemoCamp Shenzhen
Shenzhen, July 22th 2015 | 深圳 2015年7月22日
Intro 介绍
Eclipse DemoCamp in Shenzhen on 2015 July 22th is a free event organized by enthusiasts and supported by the Eclipse Foundation. This event will target on the software developers. Welcome to share the experiences of Eclipse open source projects, give Eclipse demo, and discuss the technical issues with the participants. This event will also provide a good opportunity and platform for the Eclipse members and developers to communicate.
2015年7月22日在深圳举行的Eclipse DemoCamp 是在Eclipse Foundation支持下在中国举办的一次免费的面向在中国开发人员和Eclipse爱好者的活动。 活动中,众多来自行业领先企业的中外专家及资深开发人员将与您分享Eclipse开源项目中的经验,Eclipse产品演示,并与大家探讨Eclipse相关的技术问题。 此次活动也将是一次Eclipse爱好者交流的机会和平台。
Location 场地
(new building across the road from East Gate of KeXueYuan) 18th floor
LatLong: 22.5333333, 114.1333333
Date and Time 时间
July 22th 2015 Wednesday 7pm sharp 2015年7月22日 周三 7点钟
Organizers 组织者
Shenzhen JUG 深圳Java用户组
If you are interest to be co-organizers & co-presenters, please contact with us. 如果您有兴趣成为活动组织的志愿者, 请随时和我们联系。(伟保罗, +86 158 89583889 )
- Paul Verest Paul Verest +86 158 89583889, QQ 908781544 Software Architect
Sponsors 赞助
Venue is provided by 金斧子 深圳市金斧子资本管理有限公司
Snacks & Beverages are sponsored by
A Global Leader in Software Product Development.
The Best Software Company to work for in 2015 (by Louis Columbus @ Forbes)
Agenda 议程
The languages of presentation will be both English & Chinese, depending on presenter choice.
Time | Topic | Presenter | Description | |
19:00 | 1) Eclipse organization, members and projects | Eclipse组织和项目介绍 2) Enide 2015 as Eclipse IDE for Node.js and Java by (English & 中文) |
Paul Verest, | Why Eclipse is great, Eclipse latest news and projects updates 介绍为什么Eclipse比你的了解可能更大。 |
19:30 | Eclipse 快捷键 (中文) | Li XiaoBo / Seaborn; ThoughttWorks China | ||
20:00 | XMind (中文) | 史骥, XMind creator | ||
20:30 | Vert.x (中文) | 汪四哥 | Vert.x is a tool-kit for building reactive applications on the JVM and is an Eclipse project |
想了解多一点儿?become co-presenter! 需要和演讲人活动之前沟通,跟多学会,准备一起讲。
Registration | 报名
因场地有限, 必须要报名。下面领取免费门票
Visit registration site above to register and see guests list.
News 新闻
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For Bloggers and Users of Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, Weibo, Weixin etc.
In case you plan to blog or tweet about the Eclipse DemoDay China in Beijing, please use the tags #eclipse #eclipse-china in order to make it easier to find all the comments and pictures. Thanks a lot for telling the world about the event! | 请用#eclipse#和#eclipse-china#标签微博一下。
Eclipse中国QQ群 321486747