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Eclipse DemoCamps Luna 2014/Beijing
Eclipse DemoDay Beijing | Eclipse北京
Intro 介绍
Eclipse Day China Press-Release
Eclipse DemoCamp in Beijing on June 28th 2014 is a free event supported by the Eclipse Foundation. This event will target on the IT developers and Eclipse members, and the experts and senior consultants from leading IT companies will share the experiences of Eclipse open source projects, Eclipse demo, and discussing the technical issues with the participants. This event will also provide a good opportunity and platform for the Eclipse members and developers to discuss and communicate.
2014年6月28日在北京举行的Eclipse DemoCamp 是在Eclipse Foundation支持下在中国举办的一次免费的面向在中国开发人员和Eclipse爱好者的活动。 活动中,众多来自行业领先企业的中外专家及资深开发人员将与您分享Eclipse开源项目中的经验,Eclipse产品演示,并与大家探讨Eclipse相关的技术问题。 这会是Eclipse爱好者深入交流技术的平台和盛宴。
If you are interest to be co-organizers & co-presenters, please contact with us. 如果您有兴趣成为活动组织的志愿者, 请随时和我们联系。(伟保罗, QQ 908781544)
Location 场地
Beijing Makerspace, ZhongGuanCun
As GuoHua PLaza Building has power supply work on the Saturday, June 28,
the venue was changed
was ThoughtWorks Office, Beijing 不能用 北京市东直门国华投资大厦11层, Beijing
LatLong: 39.90403, 116.407526
Date and Time 时间
Saturday, June 28th 6月28号 周六
Any question please call Paul Verest +86 187 01029146
Organizers 组织者
- Paul Verest Paul Verest +86 187 01029146, QQ 908781544 Software Architect at Funshion风行在线
- 白小勇, Bai Xiaoyong, 用友码农 Yonyou coder, focusing on PaaS Hybrid Cloud, Data Security in Cloud.
- Soyatec 松亚科技, Eclipse Foundation Member and IWG Member
- ThoughtWorks, Global leading customized enterprise software design and delivery company.
Sponsors 赞助
- Beijing Makerspace
Beijing Makerspace is saving the event by providing excellent venue
Is providing free ticket processing
- Aspose
Aspose are offering 1x Aspose.Words for Java Developer Small Business license worth $999 USD and 1x Aspose.Pdf for Java Developer Small business license worth $799 USD.
These license will be in prize fund of the event.
Offers a Quiz on "Model Driven Software Engineering", the prize are a iPod-Shuffle and a eUML2 professional license worth €690.
Email 邮件
Agenda 议程
14:00 - 14:15 | Check-in | |
14:15 - 14:30 | Welcome and Introduction (all organizers) | |
14:30 - 15:00 | Eclipse 4.4 开发环境 及 Enide Studio 2014 by Nodeclipse (伟保罗) | Eclipse IDE 4.4 Luna and Enide Studio 2014 by Nodeclipse (Paul Verest) |
15:00 - 15:30 | Eclipse混合命令行工具开发Spring应用 (白小勇) | Spring Application Development by Eclipse mix Command Tools (Mike) |
15:30 - 15:45 | 休息 Coffee break | |
15:45 - 16:15 | 用 Eclipse 开发 Liferay Portal (Greg Amerson) | Liferay Portal development with Eclipse (Greg Amerson) |
16:15 - 17:00 | 模型驱动的软件开发 (刘金, 松亚科技) | Model Driven Software Engineering for UI - PMF (Jin Liu from Soyatec) |
17:00 - 17:45 | BIRT的基础和架构 - 嵌入式开源数据可视化和报告 (Actuate中国) | BIRT Basics and Architecture - Embeddable Open Source Data Visualization and Reporting (Actuate) |
17:45 - 18:00 | 休息 Tea break | |
18:00 - 18:30 | Talend 大数据方案用Eclipse (刘武) | Talend BigData Solution with Eclipse (Liu Wu) |
Also there is proposed Panel about Eclipse platform history and trends to run in parallel.
白小勇 can share using maven + tycho develop a standards eclipse plugin:
Details 详细信息
1. Eclipse IDE 4.4 Luna and Enide Studio 2014 by Nodeclipse
Show way to learn via publicly available resources: What is new in Eclipse Luna, What is new in JDT Luna and general Eclipse Luna release page, Java Programming Language Enhancements
Presenting plugins collection of Nodeclipse project, that can be used not only for Node.js development but for any language.
2. Spring Application Development by Eclipse mix Command Tools
The goal is to build a set of IDE for spring-based application, first we talk about the main problems, then we explore a set of tool suite, include Eclipse 4.4, Tomcat 7.0, Maven 3.2, Docker 1.0, quickbundle 4.0.0 [1], etc. Finally we build a complete development environment.
Registration 报名
Registration for guests, speakers and volunteers at
News 新闻
For Bloggers and Users of Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, Weibo, Weixin etc.
In case you plan to blog or tweet about the Eclipse DemoDay in Beijing, please use the tags #eclipse #eclipse-china in order to make it easier to find all the comments and pictures. Thanks a lot for telling the world about the event! | 请用#eclipse#和#eclipse-china#标签微博一下。
Eclipse中国QQ群 321486747 讨论,新闻,怎么用Eclipse IDE,经验和心得分享
Eclipse开发QQ群 374545615 Eclipse平台,RCP,插件开发讨论。